Capitalized the start of a sentence in the bucket section of cataloging.
[Evergreen-DocBook.git] / stylesheets / styleguide / docbook-xsl-1.75.2 / params / nominal.table.width.xml
1 <refentry xmlns=""\r
2           xmlns:xlink=""\r
3           xmlns:xi=""\r
4           xmlns:src=""\r
5           xmlns:xsl=""\r
6           version="5.0" xml:id="nominal.table.width">\r
7 <refmeta>\r
8 <refentrytitle>nominal.table.width</refentrytitle>\r
9 <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">length</refmiscinfo>\r
10 </refmeta>\r
11 <refnamediv>\r
12 <refname>nominal.table.width</refname>\r
13 <refpurpose>The (absolute) nominal width of tables</refpurpose>\r
14 </refnamediv>\r
15 \r
16 <refsynopsisdiv>\r
17 <src:fragment xml:id="nominal.table.width.frag">\r
18 <xsl:param name="nominal.table.width">6in</xsl:param>\r
19 </src:fragment>\r
20 </refsynopsisdiv>\r
21 \r
22 <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>\r
23 \r
24 <para>In order to convert CALS column widths into HTML column widths, it\r
25 is sometimes necessary to have an absolute table width to use for conversion\r
26 of mixed absolute and relative widths. This value must be an absolute\r
27 length (not a percentage).</para>\r
28 \r
29 </refsection>\r
30 </refentry>\r