Capitalized the start of a sentence in the bucket section of cataloging.
[Evergreen-DocBook.git] / stylesheets / evergreen_docbook_files / docbook-xsl-1.75.2 / params / navig.showtitles.xml
1 <refentry xmlns=""\r
2           xmlns:xlink=""\r
3           xmlns:xi=""\r
4           xmlns:src=""\r
5           xmlns:xsl=""\r
6           version="5.0" xml:id="navig.showtitles">\r
7 <refmeta>\r
8 <refentrytitle>navig.showtitles</refentrytitle>\r
9 <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">boolean</refmiscinfo>\r
10 </refmeta>\r
11 <refnamediv>\r
12 <refname>navig.showtitles</refname>\r
13 <refpurpose>Display titles in HTML headers and footers?</refpurpose>\r
14 </refnamediv>\r
15 \r
16 <refsynopsisdiv>\r
17 <src:fragment xml:id="navig.showtitles.frag"><xsl:param name="navig.showtitles">1</xsl:param></src:fragment>\r
18 </refsynopsisdiv>\r
19 \r
20 <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>\r
21 \r
22 <para>If non-zero,\r
23 the headers and footers of chunked HTML\r
24 display the titles of the next and previous chunks,\r
25 along with the words 'Next' and 'Previous' (or the\r
26 equivalent graphical icons if is true).\r
27 If false (zero), then only the words 'Next' and 'Previous'\r
28 (or the icons) are displayed.\r
29 </para>\r
30 \r
31 </refsection>\r
32 </refentry>\r