Add file for 1.6 branch.
[Evergreen-DocBook.git] / stafftasks / circulation.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\r
2 <chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""\r
3             xmlns:xl="" version="5.0" xml:id="circulation">\r
4         <info>\r
5         <title>Circulation</title>\r
6                 <abstract>\r
7                         <para>This chapter presents explains the circulation procedures carried out from the staff client.</para>\r
8                 </abstract>\r
9         </info>    \r
10         <section xml:id="patronrecords"><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>patron records</secondary></indexterm>\r
11                 <title>Patron Records</title>\r
12                 <simplesect xml:id="searchingpatrons">\r
13                 <title>Searching Patrons</title>\r
14                 \r
15                         <itemizedlist>\r
16                                 <listitem>Search one field or combine.</listitem>\r
17                                 <listitem>Truncate search terms for more search results.</listitem>\r
18                                 <listitem>Include inactive patrons checkbox.</listitem>\r
19                                 <listitem>Limit results to patrons in dropdown.</listitem>\r
20                         </itemizedlist>\r
21                 \r
22                 </simplesect>\r
23                 <simplesect xml:id="Registeringpatrons">\r
24                 <title>Registering New Patrons</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>registering new patrons</secondary></indexterm>\r
25                 \r
26                         <itemizedlist>\r
27                                 <listitem>Mandatory fields = Red.</listitem>\r
28                                 <listitem>Save and clone user button: the contact info is copied into the next record. Records created using this method\r
29                                 are automatically grouped together with the original record and share the same address, which can only be edited in the original record.</listitem>\r
30                                 <listitem>Staff accounts can be added here just like patron accounts.</listitem>\r
31                         </itemizedlist>\r
32                 </simplesect>\r
33                 <simplesect xml:id="CloneUser">\r
34                         <title>Clone User from Existing Group Member</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>cloning users</secondary></indexterm>\r
35                         <procedure>\r
36                                 <step><para>Open patron record, click <guibutton>Other</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
37                                 <step><para>Select Group.</para></step>\r
38                                 <step><para>Highlight a group member to clone and <emphasis>right click</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
39                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Register a New Group Member by Cloning Selected Patrons</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
40                                 <step><para>A Register Patron Clone for Group tab will open displaying the Evergreen User Editor.</para></step>\r
41                                 <step><para>Enter required patron information.</para></step>\r
42                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
43                                 <step><para>After saving the clone record, the User Editor reverts to another clone template; create additional family/group member records.</para></step>\r
44                                 <step><para>Close the <emphasis>Register Patron Clone for Group</emphasis> tab.</para></step>\r
45                         </procedure>\r
46                 </simplesect>\r
47                 <simplesect xml:id="Updatingpatroninformation">\r
48                 <title>Updating Patron Information</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>updating patron information</secondary></indexterm>\r
49                         <procedure>\r
50                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record</para></step>\r
51                                 <step><para>Edit</para></step>\r
52                                 <step><para>Finish then click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
53                                 <step><para>Confirmation message, <emphasis>User updating is successful</emphasis></para></step>\r
54                         </procedure>\r
55                 </simplesect>\r
56                 <simplesect xml:id="renewinglibrarycards">\r
57                         <title>Extend Account Expiration Date</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>extending account expiration date</secondary></indexterm>\r
58                         <para>All patron accounts are set to <emphasis>expire</emphasis> in one year – this allows staff to verify patron contact information annually and update any out-of-date \r
59                         information.</para>\r
60                         <note><para>There is no warning that the account will soon expire. </para></note>\r
61                         <para>Loans are NOT shortened if due date is after the account expiration date.</para>\r
62                         <para>NO loans are possible until the account expiration date is extended.</para>                                               \r
63                         <procedure>\r
64                                 <step><para>Access patron account, open Edit function tab.</para></step>\r
65                                 <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>4. Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem> </para></step>\r
66                                 <step><para>At Account Expiration Date, highlight the year and type the new year</para></step>\r
67                                 <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>7. Finish</guimenuitem>, click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton></para></step>\r
68                         </procedure>\r
69                 </simplesect>\r
70                 <simplesect xml:id="lostlibrarycards">\r
71                         <title>Lost Library Cards</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>lost library cards</secondary></indexterm>\r
72                         <procedure>\r
73                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>\r
74                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Mark Lost</guibutton> button.</para></step>\r
75                                 <step><para><menuchoice><guimenu>Finish</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save User</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
76                         \r
77                         </procedure>    \r
78                         <caution>\r
79                                 <para>A lost card cannot be reinstated (A warning message will display; use the new card to retrieve the user’s \r
80                                 record)</para>\r
81                         </caution>                      \r
82                 </simplesect>\r
83                 <simplesect xml:id="Resettingpatronpassword">\r
84                 <title>Resetting a Patron's Password</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>resetting patron password</secondary></indexterm>\r
85                         <procedure>\r
86                                 <step><para>Retrieve the record.</para></step>\r
87                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Reset</guibutton> Button next to <guilabel>password</guilabel> field</para></step>\r
88                         </procedure>    \r
89                         <note>\r
90                                 <para>The existing password is not displayed in patron records for security reasons.</para>\r
91                         </note>                 \r
92                 </simplesect>\r
93                 <simplesect xml:id="barringapatron">\r
94                 <title>Barring a Patron</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>barring patrons</secondary></indexterm>\r
95                         <procedure>\r
96                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>4: Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem>. Select the <guilabel>Barred</guilabel> checkbox.</para></step>\r
97                                 <step><para>The Alert Message is required.</para></step>\r
98                                 <step><para>Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Finish</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save User</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
99                         </procedure>    \r
100                         <note><para>Barring a patron from one library bars that patron from all consortium member libraries.</para></note>\r
101                         <para>To unbar a patron, uncheck the <guilabel>Barred</guilabel> checkbox and remove the alert message.</para>  \r
102                         <para>Barred: Stops patrons from using their library cards; alerts the staff that the patron is banned/barred from the \r
103                         library. The "check-out" functionality is disabled for barred patrons (NO option to override – the checkout window is unusable \r
104                         and the bar must be removed from the account before the patron is able to checkout items).  These patrons may still log in to \r
105                         the OPAC to view their accounts.</para>\r
106                         <para>Blocked: Often, these are system-generated blocks on patron accounts.  Some examples:\r
107                         <itemizedlist>\r
108                         <listitem>Patron exceeds fine threshold</listitem>\r
109                                 <listitem>Patron exceeds max checked out item threshold.</listitem>\r
110                         </itemizedlist> \r
111                         </para>\r
112                         <para>A notice appears when a staff person tries to checkout an item to blocked patrons, but staff may be given permissions \r
113                         to override blocks.</para>\r
114                 </simplesect>\r
115                 <simplesect xml:id="patronalerts">\r
116                         <title>Patron Alerts</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>patron alerts</secondary></indexterm>\r
117                         <para>There are two types of Patron Alerts:\r
118                                 <itemizedlist>\r
119                                         <listitem>System-generated alerts: once the cause is resolved (e.g. patron's account has been renewed), the message \r
120                                         will disappear automatically. \r
121                                         <itemizedlist>\r
122                                                 <listitem>View from <guimenuitem>Messages</guimenuitem> or <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu><guimenuitem>Display Alerts and \r
123                                                 Messages</guimenuitem></menuchoice></listitem>\r
124                                         </itemizedlist>\r
125                                         </listitem>\r
126                                         <listitem>\r
127                                                 <para>Staff-generated alerts: must be removed manually. – Yellow background in summary</para>\r
128                                                 <para>To insert an alert:</para>\r
129 \r
130                                                 <procedure>                                                     \r
131                                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem>\r
132                                                         </menuchoice></para></step> \r
133                                                         <step><para>Alert Message field.</para></step> \r
134                                                         <step><para>Finish and <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
135                                                 </procedure>\r
136                                                 <para>To remove an alert:</para> \r
137                                                 <procedure>\r
138                                                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> button under the Alert Message box.</para></step> \r
139                                                         <step><para>Save the record.</para></step>      \r
140                                                 </procedure>\r
141                                         </listitem>\r
142                                 </itemizedlist> \r
143                         </para>\r
144                         <para>A notice appears when a staff person tries to checkout an item to blocked patrons, but staff may be given permissions \r
145                         to override blocks.</para>\r
146                 </simplesect>\r
147                 <simplesect xml:id="patronnotes"><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>patron notes</secondary></indexterm>\r
148                         <title>Patron Notes</title>\r
149                         <para>See Notes message appears</para>\r
150                         <para>Notes are strictly communicative and may made visible to the patron, via their account on the OPAC.</para>\r
151                         \r
152                         <procedure>\r
153                                 <title>To insert/remove a note:</title>                 \r
154                                 <step><para>Open a patron record, click <guibutton>Other</guibutton></para></step>\r
155                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
156                                 <step><para>Click Add New Note.</para></step>\r
157                                 <step><para>Select if notes will be visible for staff only, or visible to the patron when logged into My Account in the OPAC.</para></step>\r
158                                 <step><para>Add note Title and content.</para></step>\r
159                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Note</guibutton></para></step>\r
160                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton></para></step>\r
161                                 <step><para>To delete a note, go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and use the \r
162                                 <guibutton>Delete This Note</guibutton> button under each note.</para></step>\r
163                         </procedure>    \r
164                 </simplesect>\r
165                 <simplesect xml:id="mergingpatronrecords">\r
166                 <title>Merging Patron Records</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>merging patron records</secondary></indexterm>\r
167                         <procedure>\r
168                                 <title>Merging patron Records From the patron search screen:</title>                            \r
169                                 <step><para>Search by the terms shared by the two records</para></step>\r
170                                 <step><para>Select the two records to merge by pressing down the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each record. </para></step>\r
171                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Merge Patrons</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
172                                 <step><para>Select the record you want to keep by checking the radio button Lead Record above the appropriate record. \r
173                                 </para></step>\r
174                                 <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Merge Patrons</guibutton> button.</para></step>\r
175                                 <note><para>Once two records have been merged, the notes, bills, holds and outstanding items under the non-lead record \r
176                                 are brought to the lead record. Staff-inserted alert messages are not transferred.</para></note>\r
177                         </procedure>\r
178                         <para></para>\r
179                         <procedure>\r
180                                 <title>Merging patron records from the patron group screen:</title>                             \r
181                                 <step><para>Retrieve one of the two patron records you want to merge. Go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Group</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
182                                 <step><para>The patron record is displayed as a group member. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Move another patron to this \r
183                                 patron group</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
184                                 <step><para>At the prompt, scan or type the patron's barcode. Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
185                                 <step><para>Confirm the move by clicking the <guibutton>Move</guibutton> button on top of the screen. Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the confirmation pop-up window. \r
186                                 </para></step>\r
187                                 <step><para>Both records are displayed as group members. Select both records by pressing the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each \r
188                                 record. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge Selected Patrons</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
189                                 <step><para>The merging records window pops up. Choose the lead record and continue to merge records as described in \r
190                                 Step 4.</para></step>\r
191                                 <note><para>The merged record will still show under group members. Both members point to the same patron \r
192                                 record.</para></note>\r
193                         </procedure>\r
194                 </simplesect>\r
195         </section>\r
196         <section xml:id="circulatingitems">\r
197                 <title>Circulating Items</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>circulating items</secondary></indexterm>\r
198                 <para>Regular circulation: circulation of items in the regular collection.</para>               \r
199                 <para>Pre-cataloged circulation: circulation of items that have a barcode but have not yet been cataloged. These items \r
200                 may be checked out and then sent to cataloging when returned.</para>\r
201                 <para>Non-cataloged circulation: circulation of items that are not in the catalog and do not have a barcode.</para> \r
202                 <simplesect xml:id="checkout">\r
203                         <title>Check Out (<keycap>F1</keycap>)</title>\r
204                         \r
205                         <procedure>\r
206                                 <title>To check out regular items:</title>                              \r
207                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to access <emphasis>Retrieve Patron by Barcode</emphasis></para></step>\r
208                                 <step><para>Scan the patron barcode</para></step>\r
209                                 <step><para>Patron Account opens to the Check Out function tab</para></step>                    \r
210                                 <step><para>Scan or enter the item barcode.  Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton> or hit <keycap>Enter</keycap> (for manual entries).</para></step>\r
211                                 <step><para>Continue to scan barcodes until all items are charged.</para></step>\r
212                                 <step><para>When finished, click <guibutton>Done</guibutton> to generate a receipt or to exit patron record, if not printing slip receipts.  \r
213                                 </para></step>\r
214                         </procedure>\r
215                 </simplesect>\r
216                 <simplesect xml:id="Precatalogeditems">\r
217                         <title>Pre-cataloged Items</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>pre-cataloged items</secondary></indexterm>\r
218                         <para>Pre-cat items are those items that have yet to be added to the database or that have barcode labels, but are not attached to an existing bibliographic record.</para>\r
219                         <caution><para>ONLY use Pre-Cat Checkout as a last resort, such as when a patron brings the item to the desk from the shelf and MUST have it that day. Otherwise, \r
220                         ask the patron to wait until you can have the item correctly processed.</para></caution>                                        \r
221                         \r
222                         <procedure>\r
223                                 <title>Checking out pre-cataloged items from the check out screen:</title>                              \r
224                                 <step><para>Scan the item barcode.</para></step>\r
225                                 <step><para>An alert will appear stating: <emphasis>Mis-scan or non-cataloged item</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
226                                 <step><para>To continue with check out, click <guibutton>Pre-cataloged</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
227                                 <step><para>Enter title and author information and click <guibutton>Checkout</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
228                                 <step><para>Item is added to the list of Check Outs</para></step>   \r
229                         </procedure>\r
230                         <procedure>\r
231                                 <title>Checking in pre-cataloged items</title>  \r
232                                 <step><para>Scan the item barcode.</para></step>\r
233                                 <step><para>An alert will appear stating: "This item needs to be routed to Cataloging"</para></step>\r
234                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
235                                 <step><para>The item is added to the list of Check Ins, marked with: <emphasis>[barcode number] needs to be cataloged, Route To location = Cataloging and \r
236                                 Status = Cataloging</emphasis></para></step>\r
237                                 <note><para>The item MUST be routed to your holdings maintenance staff to be added to the database before further \r
238                                 check outs.</para></note>                               \r
239                         </procedure>\r
240                 </simplesect>\r
241                 <simplesect xml:id="noncatalogeditems">\r
242                         <title>Non-cataloged Items</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>non-cataloged items</secondary></indexterm>\r
243                         <para>Non-cataloged items may be more familiar as <emphasis>Ephemeral</emphasis> items – they are those items that libraries do not wish to catalog, \r
244                         but do wish to track for circulation statistics.</para>                                         \r
245                         <para>Items are checked out with a due date but when the due date expires, the items disappear from the \r
246                         patron's record.</para>\r
247                         <para>No fines accrue.</para>\r
248                         <para>Circulation statistics are collected.</para>\r
249                         <procedure>\r
250                         <title>Checking Out Non-cataloged Items From the Check Out screen:</title>                              \r
251                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to access <emphasis>Retrieve \r
252                                 Patron by Barcode</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
253                                 <step><para>Scan patron barcode.</para></step>\r
254                                 <step><para>The Patron Account opens to Check Out function tab.</para></step>\r
255                                 <step><para>Click on Barcode to open the non-cataloged items selection list.</para></step>\r
256                                 <step><para>Click the type of item, such as Paperback Book; the box for the barcode will become grayed out and labeled \r
257                                 <emphasis>Non-cataloged</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
258                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
259                                 <step><para>In the pop-up, enter the number of items being checked out.</para></step>\r
260                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
261                                 <step><para>The items are added to the Check Out list with a normal due date.</para></step>\r
262                         </procedure>\r
263                         <para>Non-cataloged items do not appear in the list of items out unless you select that option.</para>\r
264                 <para>Click OK.</para>\r
265                 </simplesect>\r
266                 <simplesect xml:id="duedates">\r
267                         <title>Due Dates</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>due dates</secondary></indexterm>\r
268                         <para>Circulation periods are pre-set. When items are checked out, due dates are automatically calculated and \r
269                         inserted into circulation records if the Due Date is set Normal on the Check Out screen.  Different due dates \r
270                         may be set to override this circulation period.</para>\r
271                         <para>This process will allow staff to set a non-standard loan period prior to scanning the item in Check Out.</para>\r
272                         <procedure>\r
273                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to Retrieve Patron.</para></step> \r
274                                 <step><para>Scan the patron barcode.</para></step>\r
275                                 <step><para>Scan the item barcode</para></step>\r
276                                 <step><para>In the box labeled <guimenu>Normal</guimenu>, select a pre-set loan period from the list; OR\r
277                                 Highlight <guimenu>Normal</guimenu> and type a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format</para></step> \r
278                                 <step><para>The item is checked out with the special due date.</para></step> \r
279                                 <step><para>The special due date applies to all subsequent items until it is changed or the patron record is exited.</para></step>\r
280                         </procedure>\r
281                 </simplesect>\r
282                 <simplesect xml:id="checkin">\r
283                         <title>Check In (<keycap>F2</keycap>)</title>\r
284                         <indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>check in</secondary></indexterm>\r
285                         <procedure>\r
286                                 <title>Regular check in:</title>                                \r
287                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F2</keycap> to open Item Check In tab.\r
288                                 </para></step>\r
289                                 <step><para>Scan item barcode.</para></step>\r
290                                 <step><para>Continue to scan barcodes until all items are discharged.</para></step>\r
291                                 <step><para>Close tab when done.</para></step>\r
292                         </procedure>\r
293                 </simplesect>\r
294                 <simplesect xml:id="backdatedcheckin">\r
295                         <title>Backdated Check In</title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>backdated check in</secondary></indexterm>\r
296                         <para>Used for checking items in from bookdrops or for unexpected closings.</para>\r
297                         <procedure>\r
298                                 <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F2</keycap>.</para></step> \r
299                                 <step><para>Enter backdated date in the Effective Date field (YYYY-MM-DD format).</para></step> \r
300                                 <step><para>Click outside of the Effective Date field: the top green bar changes to red.  The new effective \r
301                                 date displays at the top of the window.</para></step>\r
302                                 <step><para>Scan items.</para></step>  \r
303                                 <step><para>When finishing backdated check-in, change the Effective Date back to the current \r
304                                 date or close tab.</para></step> \r
305                         </procedure>\r
306                 </simplesect>\r
307                 <simplesect xml:id="Renewaleditingduedate">\r
308                         <title>Renewal and Editing an Item's Due Date</title>\r
309                         <indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>renewel</secondary><tertiary>Editing an item's due date</tertiary></indexterm>\r
310                         <para>Checked-out items can be renewed according to library policy. The new due date is calculated from the renewal \r
311                         date. Existing loans may be extended to a specific date by editing the due date.</para>\r
312                         <procedure>\r
313                                 <title>Renewing items</title>                           \r
314                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
315                                 <step><para>Items Out screen.</para></step> \r
316                                 <step><para>Select item(s) to renew. </para></step>\r
317                                 <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Renew</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
318                                 <step><para>To renew all items in the account, click <guibutton>Renew All</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
319                                 <step><para>To view the new due date, click <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
320                         </procedure>\r
321                         <para>Renewal may also be done from the Items Status screen. See  <xref linkend="itemstatus"/>.</para>\r
322                         <procedure>\r
323                                 <title>Editing the due date of items:</title>   \r
324                                 <step><para>From the patron record, open Items Out tab</para></step> \r
325                                 <step><para>Highlight the item, <emphasis>right click</emphasis>, and select <guimenuitem>Edit Due Date</guimenuitem></para></step>\r
326                                 <step><para>To update multiple items highlight the first item, press and hold <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, highlight additional items</para></step> \r
327                                 <step><para>In the pop-up, enter the new due date.</para></step> \r
328                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
329                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Refresh</guibutton> to update the list.</para></step> \r
330                         </procedure>\r
331                         <tip><para>Select multiple items by pressing down the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each item to edit.</para></tip>\r
332                         <note><para>Editing the due date does not affect renewal count.</para></note>\r
333                 </simplesect>\r
334                 <simplesect xml:id="lostclaimedreturned">\r
335                         <title>Marking Items <emphasis>Lost</emphasis> and <emphasis>Claimed Returned</emphasis></title>\r
336                         <indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>lost items</secondary></indexterm>\r
337                         <procedure>\r
338                                 <title>To mark items as lost:</title>\r
339                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
340                                 <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>Items Out</guimenuitem> tab.</para></step> \r
341                                 <step><para>Select appropriate item(s).</para></step>\r
342                                 <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mark Lost (by Patron)</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
343                                 <step><para>Refresh to reflect changes. Lost item(s) display in the <emphasis>Lost/Claimed Returned/Long Overdue</emphasis> \r
344                                 field.</para></step>    \r
345                         </procedure>\r
346                         <note><para>Marking an item lost will automatically bill the patron the replacement cost of the item, plus a \r
347                         processing fee, as determined by local policy. If the cost is 0.00, a charge may be manually added to the bill. See the                                 \r
348                         section called <xref linkend="newgrocerybills"/> for details\r
349                         If the lost item is returned, the bill and payment (if bill has been paid) will not be cancelled/refunded automatically.                                        \r
350                         These bills must be dealt with manually, as per local policy.</para></note>\r
351                         <procedure>\r
352                                 <title>Marking items as <emphasis>Claimed Returned:</emphasis></title><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>claimed returned</secondary></indexterm>\r
353                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
354                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Items Out</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
355                                 <step><para>Select item(s).</para></step>\r
356                                 <step><para><emphasis>Right click</emphasis>, and select <guimenuitem>Mark Claimed Returned</guimenuitem>. To update multiple items highlight the first item, \r
357                                 press and hold <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, highlight additional items and select <guimenuitem>Mark Claimed Returned</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
358                                 <step><para>Enter a return date (YYYY-MM-DD format) and click OK.</para></step> \r
359                                 <step><para>The “Claimed Returned” item will display in the <guibutton>Lost/Claimed Returned/Long Overdue</guibutton> \r
360                                 field.</para></step> \r
361                         </procedure>\r
362                         <note>\r
363                         <para>If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is before the original due date, the fines disappear.</para>\r
364                         <para>If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is after the due date, the fines remain.</para>\r
365                         <para>If you do not enter the date claimed returned, the item is moved to the Claimed returned list, but the fines are not stopped.</para>\r
366                         <para>Items cannot be <emphasis>un-claimed returned</emphasis> except by checking in the item or marking it lost.</para>\r
367                         <para>There is a <guibutton>Claims Returned Count</guibutton> in the Edit tab, <guimenuitem>Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem> section; this must be manually reset.</para>\r
368                         <para>There are no alerts indicating claims returned items.</para>\r
369                         </note>\r
370                 </simplesect>\r
371                 <simplesect xml:id="inhouseuse"><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>in-house use</secondary></indexterm>\r
372                         <title>In-house Use (<keycap>F6</keycap>)</title>\r
373                         <para>May be used to record in-house use for both cataloged and non-cataloged items.</para>\r
374 \r
375                         <procedure>\r
376                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Record-In House Use</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></step> \r
377                                         <step><para>Cataloged items: Enter item barcode.  When recording more than one use of an item, edit the \r
378                                         number in the # of uses box.</para></step> \r
379                                         <step><para>Non-cataloged items: choose the appropriate item from the dropdown menu in the Barcode\r
380                                          box and Submit.</para></step>\r
381                         </procedure>\r
382                         <para>The statistics on in-house use are separated from circulation statistics. In-house use count \r
383                         of cataloged items is not included in the items' total use count.</para>\r
384                 </simplesect>\r
385                 <simplesect xml:id="itemstatus"><indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>item status</secondary></indexterm>\r
386                         <title>Item Status (<keycap>F5</keycap>)</title>\r
387                         <para>Many functions may be performed from the Item Status screen.  This section will cover circulation-related functions:\r
388                         checking item status, viewing past circulations, inserting item alert messages, and marking items missing or damaged.\r
389                         </para>\r
390                         <procedure>\r
391                                 <title>Checking an item's status:</title>\r
392                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Search</guimenu><guisubmenu>Search for copies by Barcode or Circulation</guisubmenu>\r
393                                         <guimenuitem>Show Item Status by Barcode</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
394                                         <step><para>Enter item barcode.</para></step> \r
395                                         <step><para>Current status of the item displays, along with selected other fields. (Use the column picker \r
396                                         to choose which fields to view.)</para></step>\r
397                         </procedure>\r
398                         <note><para>If an item's status is <emphasis>Available</emphasis>, the displayed due date refers to the previous circulation's due date.</para></note>\r
399                         \r
400                         <procedure>\r
401                                         <title>Viewing Past Circulations:</title>                                       \r
402                                         <step><para>Retrieve an item (see above).</para></step> \r
403                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Last Few Circulations</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
404                                         <step><para>The item’s recent circulation history displays.</para></step>\r
405                                         <step><para>To retrieve the last patron to circulate the item, select <guimenuitem>Retrieve Last Patron</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
406                                         <step><para>Patron record will display in a new Tab.</para></step>\r
407                         </procedure>\r
408                         <para>Past circulations can also be retrieved from a patron's Items Out screen.</para>  \r
409                 </simplesect>\r
410                 <simplesect xml:id="markingitemsdamaged">\r
411                         <title>Marking items <emphasis>damaged</emphasis> or <emphasis>missing</emphasis></title>\r
412                         <indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>damaged items</secondary></indexterm>\r
413                         <indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>missing items</secondary></indexterm>       \r
414                         <procedure>\r
415                                         <step><para>Retrieve the item.</para></step> \r
416                                         <step><para>Select the item. </para></step> \r
417                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mark Item Damaged or Mark \r
418                                         Item Missing</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. </para></step>\r
419                         </procedure>\r
420                         <para>This procedure also allows items to be checked in or renewed through the <guimenuitem>Check in Items</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Renew Items</guimenuitem> options on the \r
421                         dropdown menu.</para>           \r
422                 </simplesect>\r
423                 <simplesect xml:id="itemalerts">\r
424                         <title>Item alerts</title>\r
425                                 <indexterm><primary>circulation</primary><secondary>item alerts</secondary></indexterm>\r
426                         <para>The Edit Item Attributes function on Actions for Selected Items allows editing of item records, such as inserting \r
427                         item alerts.</para>\r
428                         <procedure>\r
429                                         <step><para>Retrieve record.</para></step> \r
430                                         <step><para>Highlight the item.</para></step> \r
431                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Edit Item Attributes</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
432                                         <step><para>The item record displays in the Copy Editor.</para></step> \r
433                                         <step><para>Click Alert Message in the Miscellaneous column. </para></step> \r
434                                         <step><para>Type in the message and click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
435                                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>Modify Copies</guibutton> and confirm.</para></step> \r
436                         </procedure>\r
437                 </simplesect>\r
438         </section>\r
439         <section xml:id="billsandpayments">\r
440                 <title>Bills and Payments</title>\r
441                 <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary></indexterm>\r
442                 <simplesect xml:id="circulationgrocerybills">\r
443                         <title>Circulation vs. Grocery Bills</title>\r
444                         <para>There are two types of bills in Evergreen: Circulation bills and Grocery bills. </para>\r
445                         <para>Circulation bills: system-generated (overdue fines, lost item cost, processing fees, etc.).</para>\r
446                         <para>Overdue fines are added daily once an item is overdue. </para>\r
447                         <para>When an item is marked as lost, bills may be automatically generated to cover the item's cost and a processing fee, according to library policy.</para>\r
448                         <para>Grocery bills: staff-applied to patron accounts.</para>           \r
449                 </simplesect>           \r
450                 <simplesect xml:id="makingpayments">\r
451                         <title>Making Payments</title>  \r
452                         <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>making payments</secondary></indexterm>              \r
453                         <procedure>\r
454                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
455                                 <step><para>Bills</para></step> \r
456                                 <step><para>When bills are paid, the money applied starts at the top of the list of checked-off bills. To pay a specific bill, uncheck the other boxes. \r
457                                 (Note the presence of the Uncheck All and Check All options.)</para></step>\r
458                                 <step><para>Select a payment type.</para></step> \r
459                                 <step><para>Enter the amount of payment in the <guilabel>Payment received</guilabel> field.</para></step> \r
460                                 <step><para>Apply Payment.</para></step> \r
461                                 <step><para>The patron’s bill screen and owed balance will update.</para></step>      \r
462                         </procedure>\r
463                         <note><para>Items marked with red are still checked out. It is possible for a patron to pay a bill while the item is still out and accruing fines.</para></note>\r
464                         <tip><para>You may choose to annotate payment and fill in resulting text box according to library policy.</para></tip>\r
465                 </simplesect>\r
466                 <simplesect xml:id="makingchange">\r
467                         <title>Making Change</title>\r
468                         <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>making change</secondary></indexterm>        \r
469                         <para>Change will be calculated if the payment amount is over the selected bill amount. After typing in a payment amount, click into the \r
470                         <guilabel>=Change</guilabel> field. The change amount will\r
471                         display. </para>\r
472                 </simplesect>\r
473                 <simplesect xml:id="voidforgive">\r
474                         <title>Void vs. Forgive</title> \r
475                         \r
476                         <para>Void clears all history of the bill, while forgive retains the history.</para>            \r
477                         <simplesect xml:id="forgivebills">\r
478                                 <title>Forgiving Bills</title><indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>forgiving bills</secondary></indexterm>                        \r
479                                 <procedure>\r
480                                         <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
481                                         <step><para>Choose <guimenuitem>forgive</guimenuitem> as the payment type </para></step> \r
482                                         <step><para>Enter the amount to be forgiven. </para></step>\r
483                                         <step><para>Apply Payment.</para></step> \r
484                                 </procedure>\r
485                         </simplesect>\r
486                         \r
487                         <simplesect xml:id="voidbills">\r
488                                 <title>Voiding Bills</title>\r
489                                 <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>voiding bills</secondary></indexterm>\r
490                                 <para>Bills under one transaction are grouped in one bill line. Bills may be voided in part or in whole.</para>         \r
491                                 <procedure>                     \r
492                                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>Void All Billings</guibutton></para></step> \r
493                                         <step><para>confirm.</para></step>\r
494                                 </procedure>                            \r
495                                 \r
496                                 <procedure>\r
497                                         <title>To void a partial amount:</title>                                \r
498                                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>Full Details for the transaction</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
499                                         <step><para>The bill details screen displays.</para></step>\r
500                                         <step><para>Select the bill to void.</para></step> \r
501                                         <step><para>Void Selected Billings.</para></step> \r
502                                         <step><para>Confirm.</para></step> \r
503                                 </procedure>            \r
504                         </simplesect>\r
505                 </simplesect>\r
506                 <simplesect xml:id="newgrocerybills">\r
507                         <title>Adding New Grocery Bills</title>\r
508                         <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>adding new grocery bills</secondary></indexterm>\r
509                         <para>A grocery bill can be added as a new bill or to an existing bill.</para>                                  \r
510                         <procedure>     \r
511                                 <title>To add as a new bill</title>\r
512                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record. </para></step> \r
513                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Bills</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
514                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Bill Patron</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
515                                 <step><para>Choose appropriate billing type from the drop down menu. (<guimenuitem>Grocery</guimenuitem> is the only available transaction type.)</para></step>\r
516                                 <step><para>Enter the Amount and Note (as required).</para></step> \r
517                                 <step><para>Submit this Bill and confirm.</para></step> \r
518                         </procedure>                            \r
519                         <procedure>\r
520                                 <title>To add bill to an existing bill line:</title>\r
521                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Bills</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
522                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Billing</guibutton> at the bottom of the correct bill line.</para></step>\r
523                                 <step><para>Choose appropriate billing type from the drop down menu. (<guimenuitem>Grocery</guimenuitem> \r
524                                 is the only available transaction type.)</para></step>\r
525                                 <step><para>Enter the Amount and Note (as required).</para></step> \r
526                                 <step><para>Submit this Bill and confirm.</para></step> \r
527                                 <step><para>The Money Summary will adjust accordingly.</para></step> \r
528                         </procedure>            \r
529                 </simplesect>\r
530                 <simplesect xml:id="billhistory">\r
531                         <title>Bill History</title>\r
532                         <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>bill history</secondary></indexterm>\r
533                         <para>The Bill History view includes specific details about the item as well as information about the \r
534                         bill and payments.</para>                       \r
535                         <procedure>\r
536                                 <title>To view a patron’s bill history:</title>\r
537                                 <step><para>From the patron record, open the Bills tab</para></step> \r
538                                 <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>History</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
539                                 <step><para>The Bill History window opens.</para></step>\r
540                                 <step><para>Highlight a bill in the Bill History pane to view its Item Summary.</para></step> \r
541                                 <step><para>For more information, select a bill and click <guibutton>Full Details</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
542                         </procedure>                                            \r
543                         <note><para>Items may be deleted from the catalog even if a charge for that item is still attached to the patron's record.  The charge will remain on the patron's account \r
544                         after the deletion.</para></note>\r
545                 </simplesect>\r
546                 <simplesect xml:id="bills-refund">\r
547                               <title>Refund</title>\r
548                                 <indexterm><primary>bills and payments</primary><secondary>refunds</secondary></indexterm>\r
549                               <para>Sometimes paid bills need to be voided, such as when lost and paid items are returned. A negative balance may be \r
550                                  created once such bills are voided. To close such bills, staff may refund the balance amount or add a bill entry.</para>\r
551                            <procedure>\r
552                               <step><para>To refund, click <guilabel>Refund</guilabel> in the billing \r
553                                  line on <guilabel>Bills</guilabel> screen. \r
554                                 The amount shows in <menuchoice><guimenu>Pay Bill</guimenu><guisubmenu>Change</guisubmenu></menuchoice> box.</para>\r
555                                 </step>\r
556                               <step><para>Click <guilabel>Apply Payment</guilabel>. A receipt will be printed.</para>\r
557                         </step>      \r
558                            </procedure>\r
559                            <tip><para><guilabel>Refund</guilabel> button will automatically show up once a bill has a negative balance.</para>\r
560                            <para>Refunds are reflected in the Cash Report.</para></tip>\r
561                    </simplesect> \r
562         </section>\r
563         <section xml:id="Holds">\r
564                 <title>Holds</title>\r
565                 <indexterm><primary>holds</primary></indexterm>\r
566                 <note><para>Items may be deleted from the catalog even if a charge for that item is still attached to the patron's record.  The charge will remain on the patron's account \r
567                 after the deletion.</para></note>\r
568                 <simplesect xml:id="ViewingHolds">\r
569                         <title>Viewing Holds</title>\r
570                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>viewing holds</secondary></indexterm>\r
571                         <procedure>\r
572                                 <step><para>Under Actions for this Record (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>), select View Holds \r
573                                 (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>). You can do this from any record view. You do not have to be in \r
574                                 Holdings Maintenance.</para></step> \r
575                                 <step><para>The View Holds screen opens.</para></step>\r
576                         </procedure>                    \r
577                 </simplesect>   \r
578                 <simplesect xml:id="placingholds">\r
579                         <title>Placing Holds</title>\r
580                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>placing holds</secondary></indexterm>\r
581                         <para>Holds may be placed by staff through the staff client or by patrons through the OPAC. This chapter explains placing holds through the client which can be placed for \r
582                         from several different places.</para> \r
583                 </simplesect>\r
584                 <simplesect xml:id="holdslevels">\r
585                         <title>Holds Levels</title>\r
586                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>levels</secondary></indexterm>\r
587                         <para>Evergreen has four hold levels. Library staff may place holds at all four levels, while patrons may only place Meta-record and Title-level holds.</para> \r
588                         <table xml:id="holdslevelstable">\r
589                         <title>Hold Levels Explained:</title>\r
590                         <tgroup cols="5">\r
591                                         <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
592                                         <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
593                                         <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="2.0*"/>\r
594                                         <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
595                                         <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
596                                 <thead>\r
597                                         <row>\r
598                                                 <entry>Hold Level</entry>\r
599                                                 <entry>Abbreviation</entry>\r
600                                                 <entry><emphasis>How To</emphasis></entry>\r
601                                                 <entry>Used By</entry>\r
602                                                 <entry>Hold Links To</entry>\r
603                                         </row>\r
604                                 </thead>\r
605                                 <tbody>\r
606                                         <row>\r
607                                                 <entry>Meta-Record</entry>\r
608                                                 <entry>M</entry>\r
609                                                 <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> next to the title.  From the <emphasis>Holds Confirmation Screen</emphasis>, click <guimenu>Advanced \r
610                                                 Hold Options</guimenu> and select <guimenuitem>other applicable formats</guimenuitem></entry>\r
611                                                 <entry>Patron or staff</entry>\r
612                                                 <entry>Group of records in different formats (book, video, audiobook, etc) with the same title.</entry>\r
613                                         </row>\r
614                                         <row>\r
615                                                 <entry>Title Record</entry>\r
616                                                 <entry>T</entry>\r
617                                                 <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> next to the title</entry>\r
618                                                 <entry>Patron or staff</entry>\r
619                                                 <entry>A single MARC (title) record</entry>\r
620                                         </row>\r
621                                         <row>\r
622                                                 <entry>Volume</entry>\r
623                                                 <entry>V</entry>\r
624                                                 <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> on any item in the holdings list (next to the call number)</entry>\r
625                                                 <entry>Staff</entry>\r
626                                                 <entry>A call-number-specific volume record</entry>\r
627                                         </row>\r
628                                         <row>\r
629                                                 <entry>Copy</entry>\r
630                                                 <entry>C</entry>\r
631                                                 <entry>Click <guibutton>Details</guibutton> to view the barcode.  Select <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> (next to the barcode)</entry>\r
632                                                 <entry>Staff</entry>\r
633                                                 <entry>An item barcode</entry>\r
634                                         </row>          \r
635                                 </tbody>\r
636                         </tgroup>\r
637                         </table>\r
638                         <note><para>Meta-Record holds: If you select formats as being <guimenuitem>Acceptable Alternative Formats</guimenuitem>, the patron’s hold will be filled with the first \r
639                         available item.  If Books is selected, for instance, \r
640                         a paperback edition could fill the hold, even when the hold is placed on the hardback record.  If there are many different records for the same item, books attached to \r
641                         other records could fill the hold, so this may speed hold fulfillment. If Audiobooks is selected, the patron could also receive the audiobook if that is the first available \r
642                         version of the item. If audiobooks are selected, the patron could receive a cassette or CD version if Evergreen libraries own both.</para></note>\r
643                                                 \r
644                         <procedure>\r
645                                 <title>Placing holds from catalog records:</title>                              \r
646                                 <step><para>Retrieve the desired title record (<menuchoice><guimenu>Search </guimenu> <guimenuitem>Search the Catalog</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).</para></step> \r
647                                 <step><para>Scan or type patron’s barcode into the <guilabel>Enter recipient barcode</guilabel> field. Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
648                                 <step><para>Click on an entry to display it’s summary.</para></step> \r
649                                 <step><para>Edit the <guilabel>patron hold notification</guilabel> and <guilabel>expiration date</guilabel> fields as required. (A default hold expiration date will \r
650                                 display if the library has set up a <emphasis>default holds expiration period</emphasis> in its library settings.)</para></step>\r
651                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Advanced Options</guimenuitem> to create a meta-level hold.</para></step> \r
652                                 <step><para>Place Hold and confirm.</para></step>\r
653                         </procedure>\r
654                         <note><para>Uncaptured holds will not be targeted after their expiration dates. If the Suspend this Hold checkbox is selected, the hold will be suspended and will not \r
655                         be captured until reactivated.</para></note>                                    \r
656                                         \r
657                         <procedure>\r
658                                 <title>Placing holds from patron records:</title>       \r
659                                 <step><para>Open the patron record.</para></step> \r
660                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Holds</guibutton></para></step>\r
661                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> (top left top corner).</para></step> \r
662                                 <step><para>The Advanced Search interface opens within the Holds pane.</para></step>\r
663                                 <step><para>Enter item search criteria and click <guibutton>Submit Search</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
664                                 <step><para>Locate the desired item in the Title Results list and click <guibutton>Place hold</guibutton></para></step>\r
665                                 <step><para>The patron's account information will retrieve automatically.</para></step>\r
666                                 <step><para>Verify contact methods and pick up location.</para></step>\r
667                                 <step><para>Set the <guilabel>notification</guilabel> and <guilabel>expiration date</guilabel> fields as required.</para></step>\r
668                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> and confirm.</para></step> \r
669                         </procedure>\r
670                         <para>Multiple holds may be placed at one time. Select <guimenuitem>Holds</guimenuitem> to return to the Holds screen. Select <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem> to \r
671                         reflect newly placed holds.</para>\r
672                         <para>If the hold fails, a dialog box will open up indicating that the hold you are trying to place is invalid. For instance, if you try to place a hold on an audiovisual \r
673                         item where your library has no holdings, or if the patron has reached the limit of holds a person can place.</para>\r
674                 </simplesect>\r
675                 <simplesect xml:id="managingholds">\r
676                         <title>Managing Holds</title>\r
677                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>managing</secondary></indexterm>\r
678                         <para>Holds may be cancelled at any time by staff or patrons.</para>            \r
679                         <para>Before holds are captured, staff or patrons may:                  \r
680                                 <itemizedlist>\r
681                                         <listitem>Suspend or set holds as inactive for a period of time without losing the hold queue position;</listitem>\r
682                                         <listitem>Activate suspended holds;</listitem>\r
683                                         <listitem>Edit the hold notification method, pick-up location, expiration date, or activation date;</listitem>\r
684                                 </itemizedlist>\r
685                         </para>\r
686                         <para>Staff can edit holds from patron records or title records. Patrons may edit holds from their OPAC account.</para>\r
687                         <procedure>\r
688                                 <title>Managing holds in patron records:</title>                                \r
689                                 <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
690                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Holds</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
691                                 <step><para>Highlight the appropriate hold record.</para></step> \r
692                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Actions for Selected Items</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
693                                 <step><para>Manage the hold by choosing an action on the list. </para></step> \r
694                         </procedure>    \r
695                         <note><para>Captured holds with statuses of <emphasis>On Hold Self</emphasis> or <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis> can be cancelled by staff or patrons. The status \r
696                         of these items will not be change until they are <emphasis>checked in</emphasis>.</para></note>\r
697                         \r
698                         <procedure>\r
699                                 <title>Managing holds in title records:</title>\r
700                                 <step><para>Retrieve and display the appropriate title record through the catalog.</para></step> \r
701                                 <step><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for this Reord</guimenu> <guimenuitem>View Holds</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
702                                 <step><para>By default, only holds with the pickup location of your library are displayed.</para></step> \r
703                                 <step><para>Highlight the hold(s) to edit. </para></step> \r
704                                 <step><para>Click <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> and the appropriate action.</para></step> \r
705                         </procedure>    \r
706                         <tip><para>Holds may be sorted on the View Holds screen. Click <guimenuitem>Request Date</guimenuitem> to find the position of a patron in the hold queue. Use the column \r
707                         picker to display patron barcodes and names.  Columns may be saved for a login using the <guibutton>Save Columns</guibutton> button.</para></tip>       \r
708                 </simplesect>           \r
709                 <simplesect xml:id="TransferringHolds">\r
710                         <title>Transferring Holds</title>\r
711                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>transferring</secondary></indexterm>\r
712                         <procedure>\r
713                                 <step><para>Open the record you need to transfer the hold from in one tab and the record you need to transfer the hold to in another tab.</para></step> \r
714                                 <step><para>View the holds on the record where the hold is currently.</para></step>\r
715                                 <step><para>You will copy the patron barcode of the hold you need to move. Select Patron barcode in the column picker. Then <emphasis>right click</emphasis> on the \r
716                                 line you need, and select <guimenuitem>Copy to Clipboard</guimenuitem></para></step> \r
717                                 <step><para>Click on the patron barcode. Make sure you do not click on the item barcode if it is in your box.</para></step>\r
718                                 <step><para>A box will open up telling you what has been copied to the clipboard.</para></step> \r
719                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> or press <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para></step>\r
720                                 <step><para> You can now use this patron barcode to place a hold.</para></step>\r
721                                 <step><para>Go to the tab where you have opened the record where you need to move the hold.</para></step> \r
722                                 <step><para>Then you will need to cancel the hold on the first record.</para></step>     \r
723                         </procedure>    \r
724                 </simplesect>   \r
725                 <simplesect xml:id="CancelingHolds">\r
726                         <title>Canceling Holds</title>\r
727                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>canceling</secondary></indexterm>\r
728                         <procedure>\r
729                                 <step><para>View the holds for the item.</para></step> \r
730                                 <step><para>Highlight the hold you need to cancel.</para></step>\r
731                                 <step><para>Click <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step> \r
732                                 <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Cancel Hold</guimenuitem> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>\r
733                                 <step><para>A Window will open asking if you are sure you wish to cancel the hold.</para></step> \r
734                                 <step><para>If it is the correct hold, click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Y</keycap></keycombo>).</para></step>\r
735                                 <step><para>The window will close, and the hold will disappear from the list.</para></step>\r
736                         </procedure>    \r
737                 </simplesect>\r
738                 <simplesect xml:id="RetargetingHolds">\r
739                         <title>Retargeting Holds</title>\r
740                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>retargeting</secondary></indexterm>\r
741                         <para>Holds need to be retargeted whenever a new item is added to a record, or after some types of item status changes, for instance when an item is changed from On Order \r
742                         to In Process. The system does not automatically recognize the newly added items as available to fill holds.  This also needs to be done if items marked as Damaged or \r
743                         Missing or set to other non-circulating statuses are once again made available for circulation.</para> \r
744                         <procedure>\r
745                                 <step><para>View the holds for the item.</para></step> \r
746                                 <step><para>highlight all the holds for the record, which have a status of Waiting for Copy. If there are a lot of holds, it may be helpful to sort the\r
747                                  holds by <emphasis>Status</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
748                                 <step><para> Click on the head of the status column.</para></step> \r
749                                 <step><para>Under <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>) select <guimenuitem>Find Another \r
750                                 Target</guimenuitem> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>\r
751                                 <step><para>A window will open asking if you are sure you would like to reset the holds for these items.</para></step> \r
752                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Y</keycap></keycombo>).  Nothing may appear to happen, or if you are retargeting \r
753                                 a lot of holds at once, your screen may go blank or seem to freeze for a moment while the holds are retargeted.</para></step>\r
754                                 <step><para>When the screen refreshes, the holds will be retargeted the system will now recognize the new items and items with a new status as \r
755                                 available for holds.</para></step>\r
756                         </procedure>    \r
757                 </simplesect>\r
758                 <simplesect xml:id="holdspulllist">\r
759                         <title>Holds Pull List</title>\r
760                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>pull list</secondary></indexterm>\r
761                         <para>Holds may have one of three statuses: <emphasis>Waiting for Copy</emphasis>, <emphasis>Waiting for Capture</emphasis>, or \r
762                         <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis>.</para>           \r
763                         <para><emphasis>Waiting-for-copy</emphasis>: all copies are checked out or otherwise unavailable.</para>\r
764                         <para><emphasis>Waiting-for-capture</emphasis>: an available copy is assigned to the hold. The item displays on the Holds Pull List. Staff must retrieve and capture the hold.</para>\r
765                         <para><emphasis>Ready-for-pickup</emphasis>: the hold has been captured and is waiting for patron pickup.</para>\r
766                         \r
767                         <procedure>\r
768                                 <title>To retrieve the holds pull list:</title>\r
769                                 <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Pull List for Hold Requests</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
770                                 <step><para>The Holds Pull List displays. </para></step>\r
771                                 <step><para>Sort by clicking the column labels (e.g. Call Number).</para></step> \r
772                                 <step><para>To print, click <guibutton>Print Page</guibutton> on the top right of the screen.</para></step> \r
773                         </procedure>    \r
774                         <note><para>The Holds Pull List is updated constantly. Once an item on the list is no longer available or a hold on the list is captured, the items will disappear \r
775                         from the list. </para></note>\r
776                         <simplesect xml:id="capturingholds">\r
777                                 <title>Capturing Holds</title>\r
778                                 <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>capturing</secondary></indexterm>\r
779                                 <para>Holds may be captured when a checked-out item is returned (checked in) or when an item on the Holds Pull List is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, a \r
780                                 hold slip may be printed and an email notification will be sent out, if enabled for the hold.</para>    \r
781                                 <procedure>\r
782                                         <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Capture Holds</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
783                                         <step><para>Scan or type barcode and click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
784                                         <step><para>A hold slip prints automatically.</para></step> \r
785                                 </procedure>    \r
786                                 <tip><para> Holds can also be captured on the <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Check In Items</guimenuitem></menuchoice> screen. \r
787                                 If the <guilabel>Auto-Print Hold</guilabel> and <guilabel>Transit Slips</guilabel> checkboxes are selected, hold slips will print automatically.</para></tip>   \r
788                         </simplesect>\r
789                 </simplesect>   \r
790                 <simplesect xml:id="holdsshelflist">\r
791                         <title>Holds Shelf List</title>\r
792                         <indexterm><primary>holds</primary><secondary>shelf list</secondary></indexterm>\r
793                         <para>Items with Ready-for-pickup status are displayed on the Hold Shelf List. Hold Shelf List can help manage items on the hold shelf.</para>  \r
794                         <para>To view the holds shelf list:</para>\r
795                         <procedure>\r
796                                 <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Browse Holds Shelf</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></step> \r
797                                 <step><para>Actions for Selected Holds are available, as in the patron record. </para></step>\r
798                                 <step><para>Expired holds may be deleted from this screen.</para></step> \r
799                         </procedure>    \r
800                         <caution><para>If you cancel a ready-for-pickup hold, you must check in the item to make it available for circulation.</para></caution>\r
801                 </simplesect>\r
802         </section>\r
803         <section xml:id="transititems">\r
804                 <title>Transit Items</title>\r
805                 <indexterm><primary>transit items</primary></indexterm>\r
806                 <para>Evergreen’s In Transit feature tracks items transferring among branches. It allows patrons to return items at any branch and for holds to be placed on items at other branches.</para>\r
807                 <para>When will an item go In Transit?</para>   \r
808                 <orderedlist>\r
809                         <listitem>When an item is checked in at a non-owning branch the status changes to <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis>.  A transit slip may be printed.</listitem>\r
810                         <listitem>When a hold is captured for an item with a pickup branch other than location at which the hold is captured, the item’s status will be changed to \r
811                         <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis>. If the hold is captured from the <emphasis>Check In</emphasis> screen, a prompt to print the Transit/Hold slip will display. \r
812                         If the hold is captured from the <emphasis>Capture Holds</emphasis> screen, a Transit/Hold slip will be printed automatically.</listitem>\r
813                 </orderedlist>\r
814                 <simplesect xml:id="receivingtransititems">\r
815                         <title>Receiving In Transit Items</title>\r
816                         <indexterm><primary>transit items</primary><secondary>receiving</secondary></indexterm>\r
817                         <para>All items received through transit must be checked in by the receiving branch.  This changes the items' statuses from <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis> to \r
818                         <emphasis>Reshelving</emphasis> or <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis>.</para> \r
819                 </simplesect>\r
820                 <simplesect xml:id="transitlist">\r
821                         <title>Transit List</title>\r
822                         <indexterm><primary>transit items</primary><secondary>rlist</secondary></indexterm>\r
823                         <para>The Transit List report may be used to as a tool to help manage your incoming and outgoing transits.</para>\r
824                         <para>To access and use the Transit List report:</para>\r
825                         <procedure>\r
826                                 <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Local System Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Transit List</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.\r
827                                 </para></step> \r
828                                 <step><para>Specify <guimenuitem>ransit to</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Transit from library</guimenuitem> from the dropdown menu. </para></step>\r
829                                 <step><para>Pick a date range in <guilabel>Transit Date falls between</guilabel> fields.</para></step> \r
830                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Transits Retrieve</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
831                                 <step><para>Items with an <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis> status for the selected time period are listed. </para></step>\r
832                         </procedure>     \r
833                 </simplesect>\r
834                 <simplesect xml:id="abortingtransits">\r
835                         <title>Aborting Transits</title>\r
836                         <indexterm><primary>transit items</primary><secondary>aborting</secondary></indexterm>\r
837                         <para>Transits may be aborted (cancelled) from multiple locations within Evergreen.</para>\r
838                         <para>Use when processing missing in transit items or a patron requests an item that has just been returned and is in transit to its home library for reshelving. \r
839                         This procedure can be performed from the <emphasis>Transit List</emphasis> or from the <emphasis>Item Status</emphasis> screen.</para>\r
840                         <procedure>\r
841                                 <step><para>Select the transit(s) to cancel.</para></step> \r
842                                 <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Transits</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Abort Transits</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
843                                 <step><para>The transit is cancelled, but will still display in the list. </para></step> \r
844                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Retrieve Transits</guibutton>. The screen will refresh and the cancelled item(s) will no longer display as transits. </para></step> \r
845                         </procedure>    \r
846                         <simplesect xml:id="cancellingtransitscheckout">\r
847                                 <title>Cancelling Transits at Checkout</title>\r
848                                 <indexterm><primary>transit items</primary><secondary>cancelling</secondary></indexterm>\r
849                                 <para>Items with a status of <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> trigger a notification when an attempt is made to check them out.  To allow <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> \r
850                                 items to be checked out, override the block by clicking Abort Transit on the alert screen.  Proceed by clicking <guibutton>Checkout</guibutton>.</para> \r
851                                 \r
852                         </simplesect>\r
853                         <simplesect xml:id="cancellingtransitsItemStatus">\r
854                                 <title>Cancelling Transits from Item Status</title>\r
855                                 <para>Items with a status of <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> trigger a notification when an attempt is made to check them out. To allow \r
856                                 <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> items to be checked out, override the block by clicking Abort Transit on the alert screen.  Proceed by clicking Checkout.</para> \r
857                                 <procedure>\r
858                                         <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>Item Status</guimenuitem> or hit <keycap>F5</keycap></para></step> \r
859                                         <step><para>Scan Item barcode</para></step>\r
860                                         <step><para><emphasis>Right click</emphasis> on the item and select <guibutton>Abort Transit</guibutton></para></step> \r
861                                         <step><para>At Aborting Transits pop-up, click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton></para></step> \r
862                                         <step><para>The item now has the status <emphasis>Reshelving</emphasis>.</para></step>  \r
863                                 </procedure>    \r
864                         </simplesect>\r
865                 </simplesect>\r
866         </section>\r
867         <section xml:id="offlinetransactions">\r
868               <title>Offline Transactions</title>\r
869              <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary></indexterm>\r
870            <para>Evergreen's Standalone Interface/Offline Interface is designed to log transactions during\r
871               network outage, which can be uploaded and processed once network operations are\r
872               restored.</para>\r
873 \r
874            <para>The terms <emphasis>Offline Interface</emphasis> and <emphasis>Standalone Interface</emphasis> mean the same thing - a separate\r
875               program to handle simple circulation tasks while the network is down. </para>\r
876 \r
877            <informalfigure>\r
878               <para>To access Offline Interface, go to Staff Client login screen. Click\r
879                     <guibutton>Standalone Interface</guibutton> button. </para>\r
880               <para>\r
881                  <mediaobject>\r
882                     <imageobject>\r
883                        <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-1.png "/>\r
884                     </imageobject>\r
885                  </mediaobject>\r
886               </para>\r
887            </informalfigure>\r
888            <informalfigure>\r
889               <para>Evergreen Standalone Interface will open. </para>\r
890               <para>\r
891                  <mediaobject>\r
892                     <imageobject>\r
893                        <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-2.png "/>\r
894                     </imageobject>\r
895                  </mediaobject>\r
896               </para>\r
897            </informalfigure>\r
898 \r
899            <simplesect>\r
900               <info>\r
901                  <title>Patron Registration</title>\r
902                   <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>patron registration</secondary><seealso>circulation</seealso></indexterm>\r
903               </info>\r
904               <para>Patron registration on Evergreen Offline Interface records the minimum patron\r
905                  information necessary to register a new patron.</para>\r
906               <tip>\r
907                  <para>All fields, except Line 2 of Billing Address, on <guilabel>Patron\r
908                        Registration</guilabel> screen are required. If your library does not record\r
909                     information for any field, you need work out a standard fake value for it, e.g.\r
910                     1900-01-01 for Date of Birth.</para>\r
911 \r
912                  <para>The account password will be automatically generated. Patrons can access their\r
913                     account with the password after the offline transactions are uploaded and\r
914                     processed.</para>\r
915 \r
916               </tip>\r
917 \r
918               <procedure>\r
919                  <step>\r
920                     <informalfigure>\r
921                        <para>Click <guibutton>Register Patron</guibutton> on the top menu bar.</para>\r
922                        <para><mediaobject>\r
923                           <imageobject>\r
924                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-24.png"/>\r
925                           </imageobject>\r
926                        </mediaobject></para>\r
927                     </informalfigure>\r
928 \r
929                  </step>\r
930 \r
931                  <step>\r
932                     <informalfigure>\r
933                        <para><guilabel>Patron Registration</guilabel> screen is displayed.</para>\r
934                        <para><mediaobject>\r
935                           <imageobject>\r
936                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-25.png"/>\r
937                           </imageobject>\r
938                        </mediaobject></para>\r
939                     </informalfigure>\r
940                  </step>\r
941                  <step>\r
942                     <informalfigure>\r
943                        <para>Fill in the form with patron information. Use the drop down list if available.\r
944                           Click <guibutton>Save patron registration</guibutton> button. Click\r
945                              <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the confirmation pop-up window.</para>\r
946                        <para><mediaobject>\r
947                           <imageobject>\r
948                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-26.png"/>\r
949                           </imageobject>\r
950                        </mediaobject></para>\r
951                     </informalfigure>\r
952                  </step>\r
953               </procedure>\r
954            </simplesect>\r
955            <simplesect xml:id="offline-check-out">\r
956               <info>\r
957                  <title>Check Out</title>\r
958                 <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>check out</secondary><seealso>circulation</seealso></indexterm>\r
959               </info>\r
960               <procedure>\r
961                  <step>\r
962                     <informalfigure>\r
963                        <para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button to access check out screen. </para>\r
964                        <para><mediaobject>\r
965                           <imageobject>\r
966                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-3.png"/>\r
967                           </imageobject>\r
968                        </mediaobject></para>\r
969                     </informalfigure>\r
970                  </step>\r
971                  <step>\r
972                     <informalfigure>\r
973                        <para>The Standalone Check Out screen will open.</para>\r
974                       <para> <mediaobject>\r
975                           <imageobject>\r
976                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-4.png"/>\r
977                           </imageobject>\r
978                        </mediaobject></para>\r
979                     </informalfigure>\r
980                  </step>\r
981                  <step>\r
982                     <para>Make sure the date (on the left end of the menu bar) is correct.</para>\r
983                  </step>\r
984                  <step>\r
985                     <informalfigure>\r
986                        <para>Scan the patron's library card barcode in <guilabel>Enter the patron's\r
987                              barcode</guilabel> box. </para>\r
988                        <para><mediaobject>\r
989                           <imageobject>\r
990                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-5.png"/>\r
991                           </imageobject>\r
992                        </mediaobject></para>\r
993                     </informalfigure>\r
994                  </step>\r
995                  <step>\r
996                     <informalfigure>\r
997                        <para>Check that the due date is correct. You may delete then type in a due date in\r
998                              <guilabel>Enter the item due date</guilabel> box. You may also click\r
999                              <guimenu>choose one of these</guimenu> dropdown list to select a relative due\r
1000                           date based on the loan period. </para>\r
1001                       <para> <mediaobject>\r
1002                           <imageobject>\r
1003                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-6.png"/>\r
1004                           </imageobject>\r
1005                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1006                     </informalfigure>\r
1007                  </step>\r
1008                  <step>\r
1009                     <informalfigure>\r
1010                        <para>Scan the items' bacode in <guilabel>Enter the item barcode</guilabel> box. It\r
1011                           will appear on the right side of the screen. </para>\r
1012                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1013                           <imageobject>\r
1014                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-7.png"/>\r
1015                           </imageobject>\r
1016                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1017                     </informalfigure>\r
1018                  </step>\r
1019                  <step>\r
1020                     <informalfigure>\r
1021                        <para>For non-catalogued items, you may also click<guimenu> choose a non-barcode\r
1022                              option </guimenu> dropdown list to select a non-catalogued category.</para><para>  <mediaobject>\r
1023                              <imageobject>\r
1024                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-8.png"/>\r
1025                              </imageobject>\r
1026                           </mediaobject>\r
1027                        </para>\r
1028                     </informalfigure>\r
1029                     <informalfigure>\r
1030                        <para>Enter the number of items you want to check out, then click\r
1031                              <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the prompt window.</para>\r
1032                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1033                           <imageobject>\r
1034                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-9.png"/>\r
1035                           </imageobject>\r
1036                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1037                     </informalfigure>\r
1038                  </step>\r
1039                  <step>\r
1040                     <para>Scan all items, changing the due date if necessary.</para>\r
1041                  </step>\r
1042                  <step>\r
1043                     <informalfigure>\r
1044                        <para>If you want to print receipt, make sure <guilabel>Print receipt?</guilabel>\r
1045                           checkbox is selected.</para>\r
1046                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1047                           <imageobject>\r
1048                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-10.png"/>\r
1049                           </imageobject>\r
1050                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1051                     </informalfigure>\r
1052                  </step>\r
1053                  <step>\r
1054                     <informalfigure>\r
1055                        <para>Click <guibutton>Save these transactions</guibutton>.</para>\r
1056                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1057                           <imageobject>\r
1058                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-11.png"/>\r
1059                           </imageobject>\r
1060                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1061                     </informalfigure>\r
1062                  </step>\r
1063               </procedure>\r
1064               <tip>\r
1065                  <para>The default dates are based on your computer settings.</para>\r
1066                  <para>Pre-catalogued item circulation is not available on Offline Interface. If an existing pre-cat barcode \r
1067                     happens to be used, it will be checked out with the previous author and title. If a new pre-cat barcode is attempted, \r
1068                  an error of ASSET NOT FOUND (item not found) will be returned upon processing offline transactions.</para>\r
1069               </tip>\r
1070            </simplesect>\r
1071            <simplesect>\r
1072               <info>\r
1073                  <title>Renew</title>\r
1074                 <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>renew</secondary><seealso>circulation</seealso></indexterm>\r
1075               </info>\r
1076               <para>To renew, you must know items barcode number. Patron's barcode is optional.</para>\r
1077               <procedure>\r
1078                  <step>\r
1079                     <informalfigure>\r
1080                        <para>To access renew function, click <guibutton>Renew</guibutton> button on the top\r
1081                           menu bar.</para>\r
1082                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1083                           <imageobject>\r
1084                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-12.png"/>\r
1085                           </imageobject>\r
1086                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1087                     </informalfigure>\r
1088                  </step>\r
1089                  <step>\r
1090                     <informalfigure>\r
1091                        <para><guilabel>Renew</guilabel> screen looks very similar to <guilabel>Check\r
1092                              Out</guilabel> screen. The differences are patron's barcode is optional on\r
1093                              <guilabel>Renew</guilabel> screen, and non-barcoded option is not available as\r
1094                           non-barcoded items can not be renewed. </para>\r
1095                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1096                           <imageobject>\r
1097                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-13.png"/>\r
1098                           </imageobject>\r
1099                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1100                     </informalfigure>\r
1101                  </step>\r
1102                  <step>\r
1103                     <para>Follow the same procedure as checking out described above. Skip patron barcode if\r
1104                        you do not have it.</para>\r
1105                  </step>\r
1106               </procedure>\r
1107            </simplesect>\r
1108            <simplesect>\r
1109               <info>\r
1110                  <title>In House Use</title>\r
1111                 <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>in house use</secondary><seealso>circulation</seealso></indexterm>\r
1112               </info>\r
1113               <para/>\r
1114               <procedure>\r
1115                  <step>\r
1116                     <informalfigure>\r
1117                        <para>To access <guilabel>In House Use</guilabel>, click <guibutton>In House\r
1118                              Use</guibutton> button on the top menu bar.</para>\r
1119                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1120                           <imageobject>\r
1121                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-14.png"/>\r
1122                           </imageobject>\r
1123                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1124                     </informalfigure>\r
1125                  </step>\r
1126                  <step>\r
1127                     <informalfigure>\r
1128                        <para>Make sure the date is correct.</para>\r
1129                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1130                           <imageobject>\r
1131                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-15.png"/>\r
1132                           </imageobject>\r
1133                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1134                     </informalfigure>\r
1135                  </step>\r
1136                  <step>\r
1137                     <informalfigure>\r
1138                        <para>Type in the number in <guilabel>Enter the number of uses of the item</guilabel>\r
1139                           box.</para>\r
1140                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1141                           <imageobject>\r
1142                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-16.png"/>\r
1143                           </imageobject>\r
1144                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1145                     </informalfigure>\r
1146                  </step>\r
1147                  <step>\r
1148                     <informalfigure>\r
1149                        <para>Scan or type in the item barcode number in <guilabel>Enter the item\r
1150                              barcode</guilabel> box.</para>\r
1151                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1152                           <imageobject>\r
1153                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-17.png"/>\r
1154                           </imageobject>\r
1155                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1156                     </informalfigure>\r
1157                  </step>\r
1158                  <step>\r
1159                     <para>Repeat the above 2 steps until all items have been scanned.</para>\r
1160                  </step>\r
1161                  <step>\r
1162                     <informalfigure>\r
1163                        <para>Click <guibutton>Save these transactions</guibutton>. Make sure <guilabel>Print\r
1164                              receipt?</guilabel> checkbox is selected if you want to print a receipt.</para>\r
1165                       <para> <mediaobject>\r
1166                           <imageobject>\r
1167                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-18.png"/>\r
1168                           </imageobject>\r
1169                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1170                     </informalfigure>\r
1171                  </step>\r
1172               </procedure>\r
1173            </simplesect>\r
1174            <simplesect>\r
1175               <info>\r
1176                  <title>Check In</title>\r
1177                 <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>Check In</secondary><seealso>circulation</seealso></indexterm>\r
1178               </info>\r
1179               <procedure>\r
1180                  <step>\r
1181                     <informalfigure>\r
1182                        <para>Click <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button on the top menu bar.</para>\r
1183                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1184                           <imageobject>\r
1185                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-19.png"/>\r
1186                           </imageobject>\r
1187                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1188                     </informalfigure>\r
1189                  </step>\r
1190                  <step>\r
1191                     <informalfigure>\r
1192                        <para><guilabel>Check In</guilabel> screen will open.</para>\r
1193                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1194                           <imageobject>\r
1195                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-20.png"/>\r
1196                           </imageobject>\r
1197                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1198                     </informalfigure>\r
1199                  </step>\r
1200                  <step>\r
1201                     <informalfigure>\r
1202                        <para>Make sure the date is correct.</para>\r
1203                       <para> <mediaobject>\r
1204                           <imageobject>\r
1205                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-21.png"/>\r
1206                           </imageobject>\r
1207                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1208                     </informalfigure>\r
1209                  </step>\r
1210                  <step>\r
1211                     <informalfigure>\r
1212                        <para>Scan the items barcode in <guilabel>Enter item barcode</guilabel> box. The\r
1213                           number will be displayed on the right side fo the screen.</para>\r
1214                        <para><mediaobject>\r
1215                           <imageobject>\r
1216                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-22.png"/>\r
1217                           </imageobject>\r
1218                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1219                     </informalfigure>\r
1220                  </step>\r
1221                  <step>\r
1222                     <para>Scan all items you want to check in.</para>\r
1223                  </step>\r
1224                  <step>\r
1225                     <informalfigure>\r
1226                        <para>Click <guibutton>Save these transactions</guibutton>. If you need to print a\r
1227                           receipt, make sure <guilabel>Print receipt?</guilabel> checkbox is selected before\r
1228                           you save the transactions.</para>\r
1229                       <para> <mediaobject>\r
1230                           <imageobject>\r
1231                              <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-23.png"/>\r
1232                           </imageobject>\r
1233                        </mediaobject></para>\r
1234                     </informalfigure>\r
1235                  </step>\r
1236               </procedure>\r
1237               <caution>\r
1238                  <para>Without access to Evergreen database, items on holds or with special status will not\r
1239                     be captured in offline mode. Sitka Support Team recommends libraries not use check in\r
1240                     function on Standalone Interface if possible.</para>\r
1241               </caution>\r
1242            </simplesect>\r
1243            <simplesect>\r
1244       <info>\r
1245          <title>Uploading offline transactions</title>\r
1246         <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>uploading</secondary></indexterm>\r
1247       </info>\r
1248       <para>Once you are able to connect to the server, you need to upload the offline transactions.\r
1249           It is good practice to do this as soon as possible, but if the local system administrator\r
1250          isn’t on site for a day or two do not panic.</para>\r
1251       <para>The terms <guilabel>Offline Interface</guilabel> and <guilabel>Standalone\r
1252             Interface</guilabel> mean the same thing - a separate program to handle simple\r
1253          circulation tasks while the network is down. </para>\r
1254       <para>Once you can connect to the server, there are 3 steps to uploading offline\r
1255          transactions:</para>\r
1256       <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">\r
1257          <listitem>\r
1258             <para>Create a session: to be done by local\r
1259                system administrators at an administration workstation.</para>\r
1260          </listitem>\r
1261          <listitem>\r
1262             <para>Upload transactions to a session: to be\r
1263                done by circulation staff at circulation workstations.</para>\r
1264          </listitem>\r
1265          <listitem>\r
1266             <para>Process the uploaded transactions: to\r
1267                be done by local system administrators at an administration workstation.</para>\r
1268          </listitem>\r
1269       </orderedlist>\r
1270       <para>Once the network has come back up, a local system administrator must first create a\r
1271          session before uploading transactions. Then, staff can upload transactions from each of the\r
1272          workstations used in offline circ to that session.  Once all of the branch workstations\r
1273          have uploaded their transactions to the session, the manager will process all the\r
1274          transactions from all the workstations at once. </para>\r
1275       <note>\r
1276          <para>Circulation Staff uploading transactions to the session does not put the transactions\r
1277             into the <application>Evergreen</application> database. The transactions will not be\r
1278             sent to the <application>Evergreen</application> database until the manager processes\r
1279             the session.</para>\r
1280       </note>\r
1281       <simplesect xml:id="offline-create">\r
1282          <info>\r
1283             <title>Create a Session</title>\r
1284         <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>create a session</secondary></indexterm>\r
1285          </info>\r
1286          <procedure>\r
1287             <step>\r
1288                <para>Log into Evergreen with a local system administrator username and\r
1289                   password.</para>\r
1290             </step>\r
1291 \r
1292             <step>\r
1293                <informalfigure>\r
1294                   <para>From the menu bar, select <menuchoice>\r
1295                         <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1296                         <guimenuitem>Offline Transaction Management</guimenuitem>\r
1297                      </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1298                   <para>\r
1299                      <mediaobject>\r
1300                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1301                         <imageobject>\r
1302                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-27.png"/>\r
1303                         </imageobject>\r
1304 \r
1305                      </mediaobject>\r
1306                   </para>\r
1307                </informalfigure>\r
1308             </step>\r
1309             <step>\r
1310                <para>The <guilabel>Offline Transactions</guilabel> screen will open. Previously\r
1311                   created sessions will be listed in the Offline Sessions section. Otherwise, the\r
1312                   Offline Sessions section will be blank. </para>\r
1313             </step>\r
1314             <step>\r
1315                <informalfigure>\r
1316                   <para>In the upper <guilabel>Offline Sessions</guilabel> section, click on the\r
1317                         <guibutton>Create</guibutton> button to create a new session.</para>\r
1318                   <para>\r
1319                      <mediaobject>\r
1320                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1321                         <imageobject>\r
1322                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-28.png"/>\r
1323                         </imageobject>\r
1324                      </mediaobject>\r
1325                   </para>\r
1326                </informalfigure>\r
1327             </step>\r
1328             <step>\r
1329                <informalfigure>\r
1330                   <para>Enter a name for the session, like “Internet Down 2009-12-02”.  Click\r
1331                         <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>\r
1332                   <para>\r
1333                      <mediaobject>\r
1334                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1335                         <imageobject>\r
1336                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/offline-29.png"/>\r
1337                         </imageobject>\r
1338                      </mediaobject>\r
1339                   </para>\r
1340                </informalfigure>\r
1341             </step>\r
1342             <step>\r
1343                <informalfigure>\r
1344                   <para>In the <guilabel>Offline Sessions</guilabel> section, highlight the session\r
1345                      you just created. An <guilabel>Uploaded Transactions</guilabel> section will\r
1346                      appear in the bottom of the screen. Initially, this section will be empty.\r
1347                       </para>\r
1348                   <para>\r
1349                      <mediaobject>\r
1350                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1351                         <imageobject>\r
1352                            <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-30.png"/>\r
1353                         </imageobject>\r
1354 \r
1355                      </mediaobject>\r
1356                   </para>\r
1357                </informalfigure>\r
1358             </step>\r
1359             <step>\r
1360                <para>Inform library staff that the session has been created and what the session\r
1361                   name is. </para>\r
1362             </step>\r
1363          </procedure>\r
1364       </simplesect>\r
1365       <simplesect xml:id="offline-upload">\r
1366          <info>\r
1367             <title>Upload Workstation Transactions to a Session</title>\r
1368         <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>upload workstation transactions to a session</secondary></indexterm>\r
1369          </info>\r
1370 \r
1371          <para>Wait until the local system administrator has created a session and told you that\r
1372             it's ready for your upload. There may be several sessions shown on the <guilabel>Offline\r
1373                Transaction Management</guilabel> screen, so you will need the name of the correct\r
1374             session from your local system administrator.</para>\r
1375          <procedure>\r
1376             <step>\r
1377                <para>Log into <application>Evergreen</application> with your regular username and\r
1378                   password.</para>\r
1379             </step>\r
1380             <step>\r
1381                <para>From the menu bar, select <menuchoice>\r
1382                      <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1383                      <guimenuitem>Offline Transaction Management</guimenuitem>\r
1384                   </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1385             </step>\r
1386 \r
1387 \r
1388             <step>\r
1389                <para>The <guilabel>Offline Transactions</guilabel> screen will open. You should see\r
1390                   at least one session in the <guilabel>Offline Sessions</guilabel> section. You may\r
1391                   see old sessions listed there, as well. </para>\r
1392             </step>\r
1393 \r
1394             <step>\r
1395                <informalfigure>\r
1396                   <para>In the upper <guilabel>Offline Sessions</guilabel> section, highlight the\r
1397                      correct session, then click <guibutton>Upload</guibutton>.  </para>\r
1398                   <para>\r
1399                      <mediaobject>\r
1400                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1401                         <imageobject>\r
1402                            <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-31.png"/>\r
1403                         </imageobject>\r
1404                      </mediaobject>\r
1405                   </para>\r
1406                </informalfigure>\r
1407             </step>\r
1408             <step>\r
1409                <informalfigure>\r
1410                   <para>When the uploading is finished,select the session in Offline Sessions\r
1411                      section. Now the value in the <guilabel>Upload Count</guilabel> column should\r
1412                      have been increased by 1. Your workstation should be listed in\r
1413                         <guilabel>Uploaded Transactions</guilabel> section now. </para>\r
1414                   <para>\r
1415                      <mediaobject>\r
1416                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1417                         <imageobject>\r
1418                            <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-32.png"/>\r
1419                         </imageobject>\r
1420 \r
1421                      </mediaobject>\r
1422                   </para>\r
1423                </informalfigure>\r
1424             </step>\r
1425             <step>\r
1426                <para>Inform your local system administrator that your transaction has been uploaded\r
1427                   to the session.</para>\r
1428             </step>\r
1429          </procedure>\r
1430          <note>\r
1431             <para>You will need to do this for each workstation you have used for offline\r
1432                circulation.  If your library has more than one workstations that have been used for\r
1433                offline transactions you will see the other workstation sessions that have already\r
1434                been uploaded.  </para>\r
1435          </note>\r
1436       </simplesect>\r
1437       <simplesect xml:id="offline-process">\r
1438          <info>\r
1439             <title>Process the Transactions</title>\r
1440                 <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>process transactions</secondary></indexterm>\r
1441          </info>\r
1442          <para>Wait until all the appropriate staff workstations have uploaded their transactions to\r
1443             your session. You should see the workstations listed in the <guilabel>Uploaded\r
1444                Transactions</guilabel> section. You'll need to be logged into\r
1445                <application>Evergreen</application> as a local system administrator to do the\r
1446             processing step.</para>\r
1447          <procedure>\r
1448             <step>\r
1449                <para>Log into <application>Evergreen</application> with a local system\r
1450                   administrator's username and password.</para>\r
1451             </step>\r
1452             <step>\r
1453                <para>From the menu bar, select <menuchoice>\r
1454                      <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1455                      <guimenuitem>Offline Transaction Management</guimenuitem>\r
1456                   </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1457             </step>\r
1458             <step>\r
1459                <informalfigure>\r
1460                   <para>Highlight the correct session and, if necessary,\r
1461                         <guibutton>Refresh</guibutton> to verify all the appropriate workstations\r
1462                      have uploaded their transactions to your session. </para>\r
1463                   <para>\r
1464                      <mediaobject>\r
1465                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1466                         <imageobject>\r
1467                            <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-33.png"/>\r
1468                         </imageobject>\r
1469                      </mediaobject>\r
1470                   </para>\r
1471                </informalfigure>\r
1472             </step>\r
1473             <step>\r
1474                <informalfigure>\r
1475                   <para>Click on the <guibutton>Process</guibutton> button. </para>\r
1476                   <para>\r
1477                      <mediaobject>\r
1478                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1479                         <imageobject>\r
1480                            <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-34.png"/>\r
1481                         </imageobject>\r
1482 \r
1483                      </mediaobject>\r
1484                   </para>\r
1485                </informalfigure>\r
1486             </step>\r
1487             <step>\r
1488                <informalfigure>\r
1489                   <para>The processing may take a while, depending on how many transactions you have\r
1490                      done. Click the <guibutton>Refresh</guibutton> button to check the status. The\r
1491                      processing is complete when the <guilabel>Processing?</guilabel> column shows\r
1492                         <guilabel>Completed</guilabel>.</para>\r
1493                   <para>\r
1494                      <mediaobject>\r
1495                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1496                         <imageobject>\r
1497                            <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-35.png"/>\r
1498                         </imageobject>\r
1499                      </mediaobject>\r
1500                   </para>\r
1501                </informalfigure>\r
1502             </step>\r
1503          </procedure>\r
1504          <note>\r
1505             <para>The number in the <guilabel>Transactions Processed</guilabel> column is equal to\r
1506                the number of items checked out or checked in.  For example, if there are 5\r
1507                transactions processed this could be 5 items checked out, or 3 items checked in and 2\r
1508                items checked out, or 5 items checked in.  </para>\r
1509          </note>\r
1510       </simplesect>\r
1511       <simplesect>\r
1512          <info>\r
1513             <title>Exceptions</title>\r
1514                 <indexterm><primary>offline transactions</primary><secondary>exceptions</secondary></indexterm>\r
1515          </info>\r
1516          <para>Exceptions are problems that were encountered during processing.  For example, a\r
1517             mis-scanned patron barcode, an open circulation, or an item that wasn’t checked in\r
1518             before it was checked out to another patron, would be listed as an exception. Those\r
1519             transactions causing exceptions may not be loaded into Evergreen database. Staff should\r
1520             examine the exceptions and take necessary action.</para>\r
1521          <informalfigure>\r
1522             <para>The example below shows several exceptions:</para>\r
1523             <para>\r
1524                <mediaobject>\r
1525                   <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1526                   <imageobject>\r
1527                      <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/offline-36.png"/>\r
1528                   </imageobject>\r
1529 \r
1530                </mediaobject>\r
1531             </para>\r
1532          </informalfigure>\r
1533 \r
1534          <para>These are a few notes about possible exceptions. It is not an all-inclusive\r
1535             list.</para>\r
1536 \r
1537          <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">\r
1538             <listitem>\r
1539                <para>Checking out a DVD with the wrong date (leaving due date set at +2 weeks\r
1540                   instead of +1 week) doesn't cause an exception.</para>\r
1541             </listitem>\r
1542             <listitem>\r
1543                <para>Overdue books are not flagged as exceptions.</para>\r
1544             </listitem>\r
1545             <listitem>\r
1546                <para>Checking out a reference book doesn't cause an exception.</para>\r
1547             </listitem>\r
1548             <listitem>\r
1549                <para>Checking out an item belonging to another library doesn't cause an\r
1550                   exception.</para>\r
1551             </listitem>\r
1552             <listitem>\r
1553                <para>The <guilabel>Standalone Interface</guilabel> doesn't recognize books on hold,\r
1554                   no exceptions will be generated for that.</para>\r
1555             </listitem>\r
1556             <listitem>\r
1557                <para>The <guilabel>Standalone Interface</guilabel> will recognize blocked, barred,\r
1558                   and expired patrons as well as lost cards, IF you have recently done an <menuchoice>\r
1559                      <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1560                      <guimenuitem>Download Offline Patron List</guimenuitem>\r
1561                   </menuchoice> on the workstation on which you're using the <guilabel>Standalone\r
1562                      Interface</guilabel>. You will get an error message indicating the patron\r
1563                   status from within the <guilabel>Standalone Interface</guilabel> at check-out\r
1564                   time.</para>\r
1565             </listitem>\r
1566  </orderedlist>\r
1567     <para>Common error messages:</para>\r
1568 <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">\r
1569             <listitem><errortext>ROUTE-ITEM</errortext> - Indicates the book should be routed to another branch or library system.\r
1570                      You'll need to find the book and re-check it in (online) to get the <guilabel>Transit Slip</guilabel> to print.</listitem>\r
1571            \r
1572  <listitem><errortext>COPY_STATUS_LOST</errortext> - Indicates a book previously marked as lost was found and checked in. </listitem>\r
1573             <listitem><errortext>CIRC_CLAIMS_RETURNED</errortext> - Indicates a book previously marked as claimed-returned was found and checked in.</listitem>\r
1574            <listitem> <errortext>ASSET_COPY_NOT_ FOUND</errortext> - Indicates the item barcode was mis-scanned/mis-typed.</listitem>\r
1575            <listitem><errortext>ACTOR_CARD_NOT_ FOUND</errortext> - Indicates the patron's library barcode was mis-scanned/ mis-typed.</listitem>\r
1576             <listitem><errortext>OPEN_CIRCULATION_ EXISTS</errortext> - Indicates a book was checked out that had never been checked in.</listitem>\r
1577             <listitem><errortext>MAX_RENEWALS_ REACHED</errortext> - Indicates the item has already been renewed the maximum times allowed (or it’s a video/DVD).</listitem>\r
1578          </orderedlist>\r
1579       </simplesect>\r
1580    </simplesect>\r
1581 </section>\r
1582 </chapter>\r