ChopChop is dead, long live ChopChop.
authorBill Erickson <>
Mon, 21 May 2012 20:42:12 +0000 (16:42 -0400)
committerDan Scott <>
Thu, 15 Nov 2012 09:02:41 +0000 (04:02 -0500)
It was never fully baked, nor was it secure, nor does it compile cleanly
with -Wall, nor does it provide any useful examples for working with
opensrf, etc.  Time to clear out.  So long, chopchop.

Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <>
src/jserver/ [deleted file]
src/jserver/osrf_chat.c [deleted file]
src/jserver/osrf_chat.h [deleted file]
src/jserver/osrf_chat_main.c [deleted file]

index a92deec..79b644a 100644 (file)
@@ -115,12 +115,6 @@ endif
 SUBDIRS = src tests
-       $(MAKE) -s -C src jserver
-       $(MAKE) -s -C src jserver-install
        rm -rf ./autom4te.cache
        rm -rf ./m4
index d947e45..b40d4dd 100644 (file)
@@ -123,20 +123,6 @@ esac],
-# enable chopchop, the basic XMPP server
-[  --enable-chopchop    build and install chopchop, a basic XMPP server],
-[case "${enableval}" in
-    yes) OSRF_INSTALL_CHOPCHOP=true ;;
-    no) OSRF_INSTALL_CHOPCHOP=false ;; 
-  *) AC_MSG_ERROR([please choose another value for --enable-chopchop (supported values are yes or no)]) ;;
 # enable debug?
@@ -350,7 +336,6 @@ if test "x$OSRF_INSTALL_CORE" = "xtrue"; then
-                        src/jserver/Makefile
@@ -381,12 +366,6 @@ else
         AC_MSG_RESULT([OSRF install Python support?     no])
-if test "$OSRF_INSTALL_CHOPCHOP" = "true" ; then
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([OSRF install chopchop?           yes])
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([OSRF install chopchop?           no])
         AC_MSG_RESULT(Installation directory prefix:   ${prefix})
         AC_MSG_RESULT(Temporary directory:             ${TMP})
         AC_MSG_RESULT(APXS2 location:                  ${APXS2})
index 5e347e1..30a94fa 100644 (file)
@@ -68,19 +68,6 @@ vim:et:ts=2:sw=2:
-  <!-- Update this if you use ChopChop -->
-  <chopchop>
-    <!-- Our jabber server -->
-    <domain>private.localhost</domain>
-    <port>5222</port>
-    <!-- used when multiple servers need to communicate -->
-    <s2sport>5269</s2sport>
-    <secret>secret</secret>
-    <listen_address></listen_address>
-    <loglevel>3</loglevel>
-    <logfile>LOCALSTATEDIR/log/osrfsys.log</logfile>
-  </chopchop>
   <!-- The section between <gateway>...</gateway> is a standard OpenSRF C stack config file -->
index 1b77959..b8c3b30 100644 (file)
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ bin_SCRIPTS = @top_srcdir@/bin/osrf_config @top_srcdir@/bin/
 dist_sysconf_DATA = @top_srcdir@/examples/opensrf.xml.example @top_srcdir@/examples/opensrf_core.xml.example @top_srcdir@/examples/srfsh.xml.example 
diff --git a/src/jserver/ b/src/jserver/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 93cc243..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
-# Kevin Beswick <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-LDADD = -lxml2 $(DEF_LDLIBS)
-AM_CFLAGS = $(DEF_CFLAGS) -D_GNU_SOURCE -L@top_builddir@/src/libopensrf
-bin_PROGRAMS = chopchop
-chopchop_SOURCES = osrf_chat.c osrf_chat.h osrf_chat_main.c
diff --git a/src/jserver/osrf_chat.c b/src/jserver/osrf_chat.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f9517ed..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1082 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2005  Georgia Public Library Service
-Bill Erickson <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-/* opensrf headers */
-#include "opensrf/utils.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_hash.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrf_list.h"
-#include "opensrf/log.h"
-#include "opensrf/xml_utils.h"
-#include "opensrf/socket_bundle.h"
-#include "opensrf/sha.h"
-#include "opensrf/transport_message.h"
-/* libxml2 headers */
-#include <libxml/parser.h>
-#include <libxml/tree.h>
-#include <libxml/globals.h>
-#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
-#include "osrf_chat.h"
-/* client to server XML */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_START_STREAM "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream "\
-       "xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' "\
-       "from='%s' version='1.0' id='%s'>"
-#define OSRF_CHAT_PARSE_ERROR "<stream:stream xmlns:stream='' "\
-       "version='1.0'><stream:error xmlns:stream=''>"\
-       "<xml-not-well-formed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/>" \
-       "<text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'>syntax " \
-       "error</text></stream:error></stream:stream>"
-#define OSRF_CHAT_LOGIN_OK "<iq xmlns='jabber:client' id='0123456789' type='result'/>"
-#define OSRF_CHAT_NO_RECIPIENT "<message xmlns='jabber:client' type='error' from='%s' to='%s'>"\
-       "<error type='cancel' code='404'><item-not-found " \
-       "xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"\
-       "</error><body>NOT ADDING BODY</body></message>"
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* server to server XML */
-// client to server init
-#define OSRF_CHAT_S2S_INIT "<stream:stream xmlns:stream='' "\
-       "xmlns='jabber:server' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback'>"
-// server to client challenge
-#define OSRF_CHAT_S2S_CHALLENGE "<stream:stream xmlns:stream='' "\
-       "xmlns='jabber:server' id='%s' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback'>"
-// client to server challenge response
-#define OSRF_CHAT_S2S_RESPONSE "<db:result xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' to='%s' from='%s'>%s</db:result>"
-// server to client verify
-       "<db:verify xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' id='%s' from='%s' to='%s'>%s</db:verify>"
-// client to server verify response
-       "<db:verify xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' type='valid' to='%s' from='%s' id='%s'/>"
-//server to client final verification
-       "<db:result xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' type='valid' from='%s' to ='%s'/>"
-/* c2s states */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_NONE            0   /* blank node */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTING      1   /* we have received the opening stream */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED       2   /* we have sent the OK/result message */
-/* s2s states */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_CHALLENGE        4   /* client : waiting for the challenge */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_RESPONSE         5   /* server : waiting for the challenge response */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY           6   /* client : waiting for verify message */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY_RESPONSE  7   /* server : waiting for verify response */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY_FINAL     8   /* client : waiting for final verify response */
-/* xml parser states */
-#define OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INIQ            2
-struct osrfChatNodeStruct {
-       int sockid;         /* our socket id */
-       int type;           /* 0 for client, 1 for server */
-       /* for clients this is the full JID of the client that connected to this server.
-       for servers it's the domain (network id) of the server we're connected to */
-       char* remote;
-       int state;          /* for the various stages of connectivity and parsing */
-       int xmlstate;       /* what part of the message are we currently parsing */
-       int inparse;        /* true if we are currently parsing a chunk of XML.  If so, we can't free the node.
-                              we have to cache it and free it later */
-       char* to;           /* The JID where the current message is being routed */
-       char* domain;       /* the domain, resource, and username of our connecting entity. */
-       char* resource;     /* for s2s nodes, resource and username will be empty . */
-       char* username;
-       char* authkey;      /* when doing any auth negotiation, this is the auth seed hash */
-       osrfList* msgs;     /* if we're a server node we may have a pool of messages
-                              waiting to be delivered */
-       xmlParserCtxtPtr parserCtx;
-       xmlDocPtr msgDoc;
-       osrfChatServer* parent;
-struct __osrfChatS2SMessageStruct {
-       char* toAddr;
-       char* msgXML;
-typedef struct __osrfChatS2SMessageStruct osrfChatS2SMessage;
-struct osrfChatServerStruct {
-       osrfHash* nodeHash; /* sometimes we need hash (remote id) lookup,
-                              sometimes we need socket id lookup */
-       osrfList* nodeList;
-       osrfList* deadNodes;    /* collection of nodes to free when we get a chance */
-       socket_manager* mgr;
-       char* secret;           /* shared S2S secret */
-       char* domain;           /* the domain this server hosts */
-       int s2sport;
-       int port;
-//static void osrfChatCacheS2SMessage( char* toAddr, char* msgXML, osrfChatNode* snode );
-static osrfChatNode* osrfNewChatS2SNode( const char* domain, const char* remote );
-static osrfChatNode* osrfNewChatNode( int sockid, const char* domain );
-static void osrfChatNodeFree( void* node );
-static void osrfChatHandleData( void* cs,
-               socket_manager* mgr, int sockid, char* data, int parent_id );
-/* removes dead nodes that have been cached due to mid-parse removals */
-static void osrfChatCleanupClients( osrfChatServer* server );
-static osrfChatNode* osrfChatAddNode( osrfChatServer* server, int sockid );
-static void osrfChatRemoveNode( osrfChatServer* server, osrfChatNode* node );
-/** pushes new data into the nodes parser */
-static int osrfChatPushData( osrfChatServer* server, osrfChatNode* node, char* data );
-static void osrfChatSocketClosed( void* blob, int sockid );
-       Sends msgXML to the client with remote 'toAddr'.  If we have no connection
-       to 'toAddr' and the domain for 'toAddr' is different from our hosted domain
-       we attempt to send the message to the domain found in 'toAddr'.
-static int osrfChatSend( osrfChatServer* cs, osrfChatNode* node, const char* toAddr,
-                                 const char* fromAddr, const char* msgXML );
-static int osrfChatSendRaw( osrfChatNode* node, const char* xml );
-static void osrfChatNodeFinish( osrfChatServer* server, osrfChatNode* node );
-/* initializes the negotiation of a server to server connection */
-static int osrfChatInitS2S( osrfChatServer* cs, const char* remote, const char* toAddr,
-                                        const char* msgXML );
-static int osrfChatHandleNewConnection( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name,
-               const xmlChar** atts );
-static int osrfChatHandleConnecting( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name, const xmlChar** atts );
-static int osrfChatHandleConnected( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name, const xmlChar** atts );
-static int osrfChatHandleS2SChallenge( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name,
-               const xmlChar** atts );
-//static int osrfChatHandleS2SResponse( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name,
-//      const xmlChar** atts );
-static int osrfChatHandleS2SConnected( osrfChatNode* node, const char* nm, const xmlChar**atts );
-static void osrfChatS2SMessageFree(void* n);
-/* generates a random sha1 hex key */
-static char* osrfChatMkAuthKey();
-static void osrfChatStartStream( void* blob );
-static void osrfChatStartElement( void* blob, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts );
-static void osrfChatEndElement( void* blob, const xmlChar* name );
-static void osrfChatHandleCharacter(void* blob, const xmlChar *ch, int len);
-static void osrfChatParseError( void* blob, const char* msg, ... );
-static xmlSAXHandler osrfChatSaxHandlerStruct = {
-       NULL,                       /* internalSubset */
-       NULL,                       /* isStandalone */
-       NULL,                       /* hasInternalSubset */
-       NULL,                       /* hasExternalSubset */
-       NULL,                       /* resolveEntity */
-       NULL,                       /* getEntity */
-       NULL,                       /* entityDecl */
-       NULL,                       /* notationDecl */
-       NULL,                       /* attributeDecl */
-       NULL,                       /* elementDecl */
-       NULL,                       /* unparsedEntityDecl */
-       NULL,                       /* setDocumentLocator */
-       osrfChatStartStream,        /* startDocument */
-       NULL,                       /* endDocument */
-       osrfChatStartElement,       /* startElement */
-       osrfChatEndElement,         /* endElement */
-       NULL,                       /* reference */
-       osrfChatHandleCharacter,    /* characters */
-       NULL,                       /* ignorableWhitespace */
-       NULL,                       /* processingInstruction */
-       NULL,                       /* comment */
-       osrfChatParseError,         /* xmlParserWarning */
-       osrfChatParseError,         /* xmlParserError */
-       NULL,                       /* xmlParserFatalError : unused */
-       NULL,                       /* getParameterEntity */
-       NULL,                       /* cdataBlock; */
-       NULL,                       /* externalSubset; */
-       1,
-       NULL,
-       NULL,                       /* startElementNs */
-       NULL,                       /* endElementNs */
-       NULL                        /* xmlStructuredErrorFunc */
-static const xmlSAXHandlerPtr osrfChatSaxHandler = &osrfChatSaxHandlerStruct;
-#ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX
-#define HOST_NAME_MAX 256
-static int osrfChatXMLErrorOcurred = 0;
-/*  This is used by code in osrfChatPushData, but that code is
-       currently commented out.  Uncomment the next line if needed. */
-//static int osrfChatClientSentDisconnect = 0;
-/* shorter version of strcmp */
-static int eq(const char* a, const char* b) {
-       return (a && b && !strcmp(a,b));
-//#define eq(a,b) ((a && b && !strcmp(a,b)) ? 1 : 0)
-/* gnarly debug function */
-static void chatdbg( osrfChatServer* server ) {
-       if(!server) return;
-       return; /* heavy logging, should only be used in heavy debug mode */
-       growing_buffer* buf = buffer_init(256);
-       buffer_add(buf, "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
-       buffer_fadd(buf,
-               "ChopChop Debug:\n"
-               "Connections:           %lu\n"
-               "Named nodes in hash:   %lu\n"
-               "Domain:                %s\n"
-               "Port:                  %d\n"
-               "S2S Port:              %d\n"
-               "-------------------------------------------------------\n",
-               osrfListGetCount(server->nodeList), osrfHashGetCount(server->nodeHash),
-               server->domain, server->port, server->s2sport );
-       osrfListIterator* itr = osrfNewListIterator(server->nodeList);
-       osrfChatNode* node;
-       while( (node = osrfListIteratorNext(itr)) ) {
-               buffer_fadd( buf,
-                       "sockid:    %d\n"
-                       "Remote:    %s\n"
-                       "State:     %d\n"
-                       "XMLState:  %d\n"
-                       "In Parse:  %d\n"
-                       "to:        %s\n"
-                       "Resource:  %s\n"
-                       "Username:  %s\n"
-                       "Domain:    %s\n"
-                       "Authkey:   %s\n"
-                       "type:      %d\n"
-                       "-------------------------------------------------------\n",
-                       node->sockid, node->remote, node->state, node->xmlstate, node->inparse,
-                       node->to, node->resource, node->username, node->domain, node->authkey, node->type );
-       }
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "DEBUG:\n%s", buf->buf );
-       buffer_free(buf);
-       osrfListIteratorFree(itr);
-osrfChatServer* osrfNewChatServer( const char* domain, const char* secret, int s2sport ) {
-       if(!(domain && secret)) return NULL;
-       osrfChatServer* server = safe_malloc(sizeof(osrfChatServer));
-       server->nodeHash    = osrfNewHash();
-       server->nodeList    = osrfNewList();
-       server->deadNodes   = osrfNewList();
-       server->nodeList->freeItem = &osrfChatNodeFree;
-       server->domain      = strdup(domain);
-       server->secret      = strdup(secret);
-       server->s2sport     = s2sport;
-       server->port        = 0;
-       // Build socket manager
-       server->mgr = safe_malloc(sizeof(socket_manager));
-       server->mgr->data_received = &osrfChatHandleData;
-       server->mgr->socket = NULL;
-       server->mgr->blob = server;
-       server->mgr->on_socket_closed = &osrfChatSocketClosed;
-       return server;
-static void osrfChatCleanupClients( osrfChatServer* server ) {
-       if(!server) return;
-       osrfListFree(server->deadNodes);
-       server->deadNodes = osrfNewList();
-static osrfChatNode* osrfNewChatNode( int sockid, const char* domain ) {
-       if(sockid < 1 || !domain) return NULL;
-       osrfChatNode* node      = safe_malloc(sizeof(osrfChatNode));
-       node->sockid            = 0;
-       node->remote            = NULL;
-       node->state             = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_NONE;
-       node->xmlstate          = 0;
-       node->inparse           = 0;
-       node->msgs              = NULL; /* only s2s nodes cache messages */
-       node->parserCtx         = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(osrfChatSaxHandler, node, "", 0, NULL);
-       node->msgDoc            = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0");
-       node->domain = strdup(domain);
-       xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0);
-       node->authkey           = NULL;
-       node->username          = NULL;
-       node->resource          = NULL;
-       node->to                = NULL;
-       node->type = 0;
-       node->parent            = NULL;
-       return node;
-static osrfChatNode* osrfNewChatS2SNode( const char* domain, const char* remote ) {
-       if(!(domain && remote)) return NULL;
-       osrfChatNode* n = osrfNewChatNode( 1, domain );
-       n->state    = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_CHALLENGE;
-       n->sockid   = -1;
-       n->remote   = strdup(remote);
-       n->msgs     = osrfNewList();
-       n->msgs->freeItem = &osrfChatS2SMessageFree;
-       n->type     = 1;
-       return n;
-void osrfChatS2SMessageFree(void* n) {
-        free(n);
-static void osrfChatNodeFree( void* node ) {
-       if(!node) return;
-       osrfChatNode* n = (osrfChatNode*) node;
-       /* we can't free messages that are mid-parse because the
-               we can't free the parser context */
-       if(n->inparse) {
-               n->inparse = 0;
-               osrfListPush(n->parent->deadNodes, n);
-               return;
-       }
-       free(n->remote);
-       free(n->to);
-       free(n->username);
-       free(n->resource);
-       free(n->domain);
-       free(n->authkey);
-       osrfListFree(n->msgs);
-       if(n->parserCtx) {
-               xmlFreeDoc(n->parserCtx->myDoc);
-               xmlFreeParserCtxt(n->parserCtx);
-       }
-       xmlFreeDoc(n->msgDoc);
-       free(n);
-int osrfChatServerConnect( osrfChatServer* cs, int port, int s2sport, char* listenAddr ) {
-       if(!(cs && port && listenAddr)) return -1;
-       cs->port = port;
-       cs->s2sport = s2sport;
-       if( socket_open_tcp_server(cs->mgr, port, listenAddr ) < 0 )
-               return -1;
-       if( socket_open_tcp_server(cs->mgr, s2sport, listenAddr ) < 0 )
-               return -1;
-       return 0;
-int osrfChatServerWait( osrfChatServer* server ) {
-       if(!server) return -1;
-       while(1) {
-               if(socket_wait_all(server->mgr, -1) < 0)
-                       osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "jserver_wait(): socket_wait_all() returned error");
-       }
-       return -1;
-void osrfChatServerFree(osrfChatServer* server ) {
-       if(!server) return;
-       osrfHashFree(server->nodeHash);
-       osrfListFree(server->nodeList);
-       osrfListFree(server->deadNodes);
-       socket_manager_free(server->mgr);
-       free(server->domain);
-       free(server->secret);
-       free(server);
-static void osrfChatHandleData( void* cs,
-       socket_manager* mgr, int sockid, char* data, int parent_id ) {
-       if(!(cs && mgr && sockid && data)) return;
-       osrfChatServer* server = (osrfChatServer*) cs;
-       osrfChatNode* node = osrfListGetIndex( server->nodeList, sockid );
-       if(node)
-               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Found node for sockid %d with state %d",
-                               sockid, node->state );
-       if(!node) {
-               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Adding new connection for sockid %d", sockid );
-               node = osrfChatAddNode( server, sockid );
-       }
-       if(node) {
-               if( (osrfChatPushData( server, node, data ) == -1) ) {
-                       osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                                       "Node at socket %d with remote address %s and destination %s, "
-                                       "received bad XML [%s], disconnecting...",
-                                       sockid, node->remote, node->to, data );
-                       osrfChatSendRaw(  node, OSRF_CHAT_PARSE_ERROR );
-                       osrfChatRemoveNode( server, node );
-               }
-       }
-       osrfChatCleanupClients(server); /* clean up old dead clients */
-static void osrfChatSocketClosed( void* blob, int sockid ) {
-       if(!blob) return;
-       osrfChatServer* server = (osrfChatServer*) blob;
-       osrfChatNode* node = osrfListGetIndex(server->nodeList, sockid);
-       osrfChatRemoveNode( server, node );
-static osrfChatNode* osrfChatAddNode( osrfChatServer* server, int sockid ) {
-       if(!(server && sockid)) return NULL;
-       osrfChatNode* node = osrfNewChatNode(sockid, server->domain);
-       node->parent = server;
-       node->sockid = sockid;
-       osrfListSet( server->nodeList, node, sockid );
-       return node;
-void osrfChatRemoveNode( osrfChatServer* server, osrfChatNode* node ) {
-       if(!(server && node)) return;
-       socket_disconnect(server->mgr, node->sockid);
-       if(node->remote)
-               osrfHashRemove( server->nodeHash, node->remote );
-       osrfListRemove( server->nodeList, node->sockid ); /* this will free it */
-static int osrfChatSendRaw( osrfChatNode* node, const char* msgXML ) {
-       if(!(node && msgXML)) return -1;
-       /* wait at most 3 second for this client to take our data */
-       return socket_send_timeout( node->sockid, msgXML, 3000000 );
-static void osrfChatNodeFinish( osrfChatServer* server, osrfChatNode* node ) {
-       if(!(server && node)) return;
-       osrfChatSendRaw( node, "</stream:stream>");
-       osrfChatRemoveNode( server, node );
-static int osrfChatSend( osrfChatServer* cs, osrfChatNode* node, const char* toAddr,
-               const char* fromAddr, const char* msgXML ) {
-       if(!(cs && node && toAddr && msgXML)) return -1;
-       int l = strlen(toAddr);
-       char dombuf[l];
-       memset(dombuf, 0, sizeof(dombuf));
-       jid_get_domain( toAddr, dombuf, l );
-       if( eq( dombuf, cs->domain ) ) { /* this is to a user we host */
-               osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Sending message on local connection\nfrom: %s\nto: %s",
-                               fromAddr, toAddr );
-               osrfChatNode* tonode = osrfHashGet(cs->nodeHash, toAddr);
-               if(tonode) {
-                       /* if we can't send to the recipient (recipient is gone or too busy,
-                        * we drop the recipient and inform the sender that the recipient
-                        * is no more */
-                       if( osrfChatSendRaw( tonode, msgXML ) < 0 ) {
-                               osrfChatRemoveNode( cs, tonode );
-                               char* xml = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_NO_RECIPIENT, toAddr, fromAddr );
-                               osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Node failed to function. "
-                                               "Responding to caller with error: %s", toAddr);
-                               if( osrfChatSendRaw( node, xml ) < 0 ) {
-                                       osrfLogError(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Sending node is now gone..removing");
-                                       osrfChatRemoveNode( cs, node );
-                               }
-                               free(xml);
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       /* send an error message saying we don't have this connection */
-                       osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "We have no connection for %s", toAddr);
-                       char* xml = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_NO_RECIPIENT, toAddr, fromAddr );
-                       if( osrfChatSendRaw( node, xml ) < 0 )
-                               osrfChatRemoveNode( cs, node );
-                       free(xml);
-               }
-       } else {
-               osrfChatNode* tonode = osrfHashGet(cs->nodeHash, dombuf);
-               if(tonode) {
-                       if( tonode->state == OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED ) {
-                               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Routing message to server %s", dombuf);
-                               if( osrfChatSendRaw( tonode, msgXML ) < 0 ) {
-                                       osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Node failed to function: %s", toAddr);
-                                       char* xml = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_NO_RECIPIENT, toAddr, fromAddr );
-                                       if( osrfChatSendRaw( node, xml ) < 0 )
-                                               osrfChatRemoveNode( cs, node );
-                                       free(xml);
-                                       osrfChatRemoveNode( cs, tonode );
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                                               "Received s2s message and we're still trying to connect...caching");
-                               osrfListPush( tonode->msgs, strdup(msgXML) );
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       if( osrfChatInitS2S( cs, dombuf, toAddr, msgXML ) != 0 ) {
-                               osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                                               "We are unable to connect to remote server %s for recipient %s",
-                                               dombuf, toAddr);
-                               char* xml = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_NO_RECIPIENT, toAddr, fromAddr );
-                               osrfChatSendRaw( node, xml );
-                               free(xml);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-static void osrfChatCacheS2SMessage( char* toAddr, char* msgXML, osrfChatNode* snode ) {
-       if(!(toAddr && msgXML)) return;
-       osrfChatS2SMessage* msg = safe_malloc(sizeof(osrfChatS2SMessage));
-       msg->toAddr = strdup(toAddr);
-       msg->msgXML = strdup(msgXML);
-       osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Pushing client message onto s2s queue waiting for connect... ");
-       osrfListPush( snode->msgs, msgXML );
-static int osrfChatInitS2S( osrfChatServer* cs, const char* remote, const char* toAddr,
-               const char* msgXML ) {
-       if(!(cs && remote && toAddr && msgXML)) return -1;
-       osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Initing server2server connection to domain %s", remote );
-       osrfChatNode* snode = osrfNewChatS2SNode( cs->domain, remote );
-       snode->parent = cs;
-       /* try to connect to the remote site */
-       snode->sockid = socket_open_tcp_client(cs->mgr, cs->s2sport, remote);
-       if(snode->sockid < 1) {
-               osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Unable to connect to remote server at %s", remote );
-               osrfChatNodeFree( snode );
-               return -1;
-       }
-       /* store the message we were supposed to deliver until we're fully connected */
-       //osrfChatCacheS2SMessage( toAddr, msgXML, snode );
-       osrfListPush( snode->msgs, strdup(msgXML) );
-       osrfHashSet(cs->nodeHash, snode, remote );
-       osrfListSet(cs->nodeList, snode, snode->sockid );
-       /* send the initial s2s request */
-       osrfChatSendRaw( snode, OSRF_CHAT_S2S_INIT );
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Added new s2s node...");
-       chatdbg(cs);
-       return 0;
-/* commence SAX handling code */
-static int osrfChatPushData( osrfChatServer* server, osrfChatNode* node, char* data ) {
-       if(!(node && data)) return -1;
-       chatdbg(server);
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "pushing data into xml parser for node %d with state %d:\n%s",
-                       node->sockid, node->state, data);
-       node->inparse = 1;
-       xmlParseChunk(node->parserCtx, data, strlen(data), 0);
-       node->inparse = 0;
-       if(osrfChatXMLErrorOcurred) {
-               osrfChatXMLErrorOcurred = 0;
-               return -1;
-       }
-       /* we can't do cleanup of the XML handlers while in the middle of a
-               data push, so set flags in the data push and do the cleanup here */
-       /*
-       if(osrfChatClientSentDisconnect) {
-               osrfChatClientSentDisconnect  = 0;
-               osrfChatNodeFinish( server, node );
-       }
-       */
-       return 0;
-static void osrfChatStartStream( void* blob ) {
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Starting new client stream...");
-static void osrfChatStartElement( void* blob, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts ) {
-       if(!(blob && name)) return;
-       osrfChatNode* node = (osrfChatNode*) blob;
-       int status = -1;
-       char* nm = (char*) name;
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Starting element %s with namespace %s and node state %d",
-                                                nm, xmlSaxAttr(atts, "xmlns"), node->state );
-       switch( node->state ) {
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_NONE:
-                       status = osrfChatHandleNewConnection( node, nm, atts );
-                       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "After NewConnection we have state %d", node->state);
-                       break;
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTING:
-                       status = osrfChatHandleConnecting( node, nm, atts );
-                       break;
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED:
-                       status = osrfChatHandleConnected( node, nm, atts );
-                       break;
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_CHALLENGE:
-                       status = osrfChatHandleS2SChallenge( node, nm, atts );
-                       break;
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_RESPONSE: /* server waiting for client response to challenge */
-                       if(eq(nm, "db:result")) {
-                               const char* remote = xmlSaxAttr(atts, "from");
-                               if(remote) {
-                                       if( node->remote) free( node->remote );
-                                       node->remote = strdup(remote); /* copy off the client's id */
-                               }
-                               status = 0;
-                               node->xmlstate |= OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INS2SRESULT;
-                       } else
-                               status = -1;
-                       break;
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY:     /* client : waiting for server verify message */
-                       if(eq(nm, "db:verify")) {
-                               const char* id = xmlSaxAttr( atts, "id" );
-                               if(id) {
-                                       char* xml = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_S2S_VERIFY_RESPONSE,
-                                                       node->remote, node->domain, id );
-                                       osrfChatSendRaw( node, xml );
-                                       free(xml);
-                                       node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY_FINAL;
-                                       status = 0;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY_RESPONSE:   /* server waiting for client verify response */
-               case OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY_FINAL: /* client waitig for final verify */
-                       status = osrfChatHandleS2SConnected( node, nm, atts );
-                       break;
-       }
-       if(status != 0)
-               osrfChatParseError( node, "We don't know how to handle the XML data received" );
-#define CHAT_CHECK_VARS(x,y,z) if(!(x && y)) return -1; if(z) osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, z);
-int osrfChatHandleS2SConnected( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name, const xmlChar**atts ) {
-       CHAT_CHECK_VARS(node, name, "osrfChatHandleS2SConnected" );
-       int status = -1;
-       if(eq(name,"db:verify")) { /* server receives verify from client */
-               char* xml = va_list_to_string(OSRF_CHAT_S2S_VERIFY_FINAL, node->domain, node->remote );
-               osrfChatSendRaw(node, xml );
-               free(xml);
-               status = 0;
-       }
-       if(eq(name, "db:result")) {
-               /* send all the messages that we have queued for this server */
-               node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED;
-               osrfListIterator* itr = osrfNewListIterator(node->msgs);
-               const char* xml;
-               while( (xml = (char*) osrfListIteratorNext(itr)) ) {
-                       xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory(xml, strlen(xml));
-                       if(doc) {
-                               char* from = (char*) xmlGetProp(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), BAD_CAST "from");
-                               char* to = (char*) xmlGetProp(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc), BAD_CAST "to");
-                               osrfChatSend( node->parent, node, to, from, xml );
-                               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Sending cached message from %s to %s", from, to);
-                               xmlFree(to); xmlFree(from);
-                               xmlFreeDoc(doc);
-                       }
-               }
-               osrfListIteratorFree(itr);
-               osrfListFree(node->msgs);
-               node->msgs = NULL;
-               status = 0;
-       }
-       if(status == 0) {
-               osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Successfully made S2S connection to %s", node->remote );
-               node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED;
-               node->xmlstate = 0;
-       }
-       return status;
-/** check the namespace of the stream message to see if it's a server or client connection */
-static int osrfChatHandleNewConnection( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name,
-               const xmlChar** atts ) {
-       CHAT_CHECK_VARS(node, name, "osrfChatHandleNewConnection()");
-       if(!eq(name, "stream:stream"))
-               return -1;
-       if( node->authkey ) free( node->authkey );
-       node->authkey = osrfChatMkAuthKey();
-       const char* ns = xmlSaxAttr(atts, "xmlns");
-       if(!ns)
-               return -1;
-       if(eq(ns, "jabber:client")) { /* client connection */
-               const char* domain = xmlSaxAttr( atts, "to" );
-               if(!domain)
-                       return -1;
-               if(!eq(domain, node->domain)) {
-                       osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                               "Client attempting to connect to invalid domain %s. Our domain is %s",
-                               domain, node->domain);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               char* buf = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_START_STREAM, domain, node->authkey );
-               node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTING;
-               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                               "Server node %d setting state to OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTING[%d]",
-                               node->sockid, node->state );
-               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Server responding to connect message with\n%s\n", buf );
-               osrfChatSendRaw( node, buf );
-               free(buf);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* server to server init */
-       if(eq(ns, "jabber:server")) { /* client connection */
-               osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                               "We received a new server 2 server connection, generating auth key...");
-               char* xml = va_list_to_string( OSRF_CHAT_S2S_CHALLENGE, node->authkey );
-               osrfChatSendRaw( node, xml );
-               free(xml);
-               node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_RESPONSE; /* the next message should be the response */
-               node->type = 1;
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return -1;
-char* osrfChatMkAuthKey() {
-       char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1] = "";
-       gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname) );
-       hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX] = '\0';
-       char keybuf[112];
-       snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%d%ld%s", (int) time(NULL), (long) getpid(), hostname);
-       return strdup(shahash(keybuf));
-static int osrfChatHandleConnecting( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name, const xmlChar** atts ) {
-       CHAT_CHECK_VARS(node, name, "osrfChatHandleConnecting()");
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Handling connect node %s", name );
-       if(eq(name, "iq"))
-               node->xmlstate |= OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INIQ;
-       else if(eq(name,"username"))
-               node->xmlstate |= OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INUSERNAME;
-       else if(eq(name,"resource"))
-               node->xmlstate |= OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INRESOURCE;
-       return 0;
-static int osrfChatHandleConnected( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name, const xmlChar** atts ) {
-       CHAT_CHECK_VARS(node, name, "osrfChatHandleConnected()");
-       if(eq(name,"message")) {
-               /* drop the old message and start with a new one */
-               xmlNodePtr root = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST name);
-               xmlAddAttrs(root, atts);
-               xmlNodePtr oldRoot = xmlDocSetRootElement(node->msgDoc, root);
-               free(node->to);
-               const char* to = xmlSaxAttr(atts, "to");
-               if(!to)
-                       to = "";
-               node->to = strdup(to);
-               if(oldRoot)
-                       xmlFreeNode(oldRoot);
-               node->xmlstate = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INMESSAGE;
-       } else {
-               /* all non "message" nodes are simply added to the message */
-               xmlNodePtr nodep = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST name);
-               xmlAddAttrs(nodep, atts);
-               xmlAddChild(xmlDocGetRootElement(node->msgDoc), nodep);
-       }
-       return 0;
-/* takes s2s secret, hashdomain, and the s2s auth token */
-static char* osrfChatGenerateS2SKey(
-               const char* secret, const char* hashdomain, const char* authtoken ) {
-       if(!(secret && hashdomain && authtoken)) return NULL;
-       osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Generating s2s key with auth token: %s", authtoken );
-       char* a = shahash(secret);
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "S2S secret hash: %s", a);
-       char* b = va_list_to_string("%s%s", a, hashdomain);
-       char* c = shahash(b);
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "S2S intermediate hash: %s", c);
-       char* d = va_list_to_string("%s%s", c, authtoken);
-       char* e = strdup(shahash(d));
-       free(b); free(d);
-       return e;
-static int osrfChatHandleS2SChallenge( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name,
-               const xmlChar** atts ) {
-       CHAT_CHECK_VARS(node, name, "osrfChatHandleS2SChallenge()");
-/* here we respond to the stream challenge */
-       if(eq(name, "stream:stream")) {
-               const char* id = xmlSaxAttr(atts, "id");
-               if(id) {
-                       /* we use our domain in the s2s challenge hash */
-                       char* d = osrfChatGenerateS2SKey(node->parent->secret, node->domain, id );
-                       char* e = va_list_to_string(OSRF_CHAT_S2S_RESPONSE, node->remote, node->domain, d );
-                       osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Answering s2s challenge with key:  %s", e );
-                       osrfChatSendRaw( node, e );
-                       free(d); free(e);
-                       node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY;
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       }
-       return -1;
-static int osrfChatHandleS2SResponse( osrfChatNode* node, const char* name,
-               const xmlChar** atts ) {
-       CHAT_CHECK_VARS(node, name, "osrfChatHandleS2SResponse()");
-       if(eq(name, "db:result")) {
-               node->xmlstate |= OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INS2SRESULT;
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return -1;
-static void osrfChatEndElement( void* blob, const xmlChar* name ) {
-       if(!(blob && name)) return;
-       osrfChatNode* node = (osrfChatNode*) blob;
-       char* nm = (char*) name;
-       if(eq(nm,"stream:stream")) {
-               osrfChatNodeFinish( node->parent, node );
-               return;
-       }
-       if( node->state == OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED ) {
-               if(eq(nm, "message")) {
-                       xmlNodePtr msg = xmlDocGetRootElement(node->msgDoc);
-                       if(msg && node->type == 0)
-                               xmlSetProp(msg, BAD_CAST "from", BAD_CAST node->remote );
-                       char* string = xmlDocToString(node->msgDoc, 0 );
-                       char* from = (char*) xmlGetProp(msg, BAD_CAST "from");
-                       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK,  "Routing message to %s\n%s\n", node->to, from, string );
-                       osrfChatSend( node->parent, node, node->to, from, string );
-                       xmlFree(from);
-                       free(string);
-               }
-       }
-       if( node->state == OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTING ) {
-               if( node->xmlstate & OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INIQ ) {
-                       if(eq(nm, "iq")) {
-                               node->xmlstate &= ~OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INIQ;
-                               if( node->remote )
-                                       free( node->remote );
-                               node->remote = va_list_to_string(
-                                               "%s@%s/%s", node->username, node->domain, node->resource );
-                               osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "%s successfully logged in", node->remote );
-                               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Setting remote address to %s", node->remote );
-                               osrfChatSendRaw( node, OSRF_CHAT_LOGIN_OK );
-                               if(osrfHashGet( node->parent->nodeHash, node->remote ) ) {
-                                       osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                                                       "New node replaces existing node for remote id %s", node->remote);
-                                       osrfHashRemove(node->parent->nodeHash, node->remote);
-                               }
-                               osrfHashSet( node->parent->nodeHash, node, node->remote );
-                               node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-static void osrfChatHandleCharacter( void* blob, const xmlChar *ch, int len) {
-       if(!(blob && ch && len)) return;
-       osrfChatNode* node = (osrfChatNode*) blob;
-       /*
-       osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Char Handler: state %d, xmlstate %d, chardata %s",
-                       node->state, node->xmlstate, (char*) ch );
-       */
-       if( node->state == OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTING ) {
-               if( node->xmlstate & OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INIQ ) {
-                       if( node->xmlstate & OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INUSERNAME ) {
-                               free(node->username);
-                               node->username = strndup((char*) ch, len);
-                               node->xmlstate &= ~OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INUSERNAME;
-                       }
-                       if( node->xmlstate & OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INRESOURCE ) {
-                               free(node->resource);
-                               node->resource = strndup((char*) ch, len);
-                               node->xmlstate &= ~OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INRESOURCE;
-                       }
-               }
-               return;
-       }
-       if( node->state == OSRF_CHAT_STATE_CONNECTED ) {
-               xmlNodePtr last = xmlGetLastChild(xmlDocGetRootElement(node->msgDoc));
-               xmlNodePtr txt = xmlNewTextLen(ch, len);
-               xmlAddChild(last, txt);
-               return;
-       }
-       if( node->state == OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_RESPONSE &&
-                       (node->xmlstate & OSRF_CHAT_STATE_INS2SRESULT) ) {
-               char* key = strndup((char*) ch, len);
-               osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Got s2s key from %s : %s", node->remote, key );
-               char* e = osrfChatGenerateS2SKey(node->parent->secret, node->remote, node->authkey );
-               osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
-                               "\nReceived s2s key from server: %s\nKey should be: %s", key, e );
-               if(eq(key, e)) {
-                       char* msg = va_list_to_string(OSRF_CHAT_S2S_VERIFY_REQUEST,
-                                       node->authkey, node->domain, node->remote, e );
-                       osrfChatSendRaw(node, msg );
-                       free(msg);
-                       node->state = OSRF_CHAT_STATE_S2S_VERIFY_RESPONSE;
-                       node->xmlstate = 0;
-               } else {
-                       osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Server2Server keys do not match!");
-               }
-               free( e );
-               free( key );
-               /* do the hash dance again */
-       }
-static void osrfChatParseError( void* blob, const char* msg, ... ) {
-       osrfChatXMLErrorOcurred = 1;
diff --git a/src/jserver/osrf_chat.h b/src/jserver/osrf_chat.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aadc129..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2005  Georgia Public Library Service 
-Bill Erickson <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-#ifndef OSRF_CHAT_H
-#define OSRF_CHAT_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct osrfChatNodeStruct;
-typedef struct osrfChatNodeStruct osrfChatNode;
-struct osrfChatServerStruct;
-typedef struct osrfChatServerStruct osrfChatServer;
-/* @param s2sSecret The Server to server secret.  OK to leave NULL if no
-       server to server communication is expected
-osrfChatServer* osrfNewChatServer( const char* domain, const char* s2sSecret, int s2sport );
-int osrfChatServerConnect( osrfChatServer* cs, int port, int s2sport, char* listenAddr );
-int osrfChatServerWait( osrfChatServer* server );
-void osrfChatServerFree( osrfChatServer* cs );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/jserver/osrf_chat_main.c b/src/jserver/osrf_chat_main.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8ac5298..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#include "osrf_chat.h"
-#include "opensrf/osrfConfig.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "opensrf/log.h"
-#include <syslog.h>
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
-       if( argc < 3 ) {
-               fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s <config_file> <config_context>\n", argv[0] );
-               exit(0);
-       }
-       osrfConfig* cfg = osrfConfigInit( argv[1], argv[2] );
-       if( !cfg ) {
-               fprintf( stderr, "Unable to load configuration file %s\n", argv[1] );
-               return -1;
-       }
-       init_proc_title( argc, argv );
-       set_proc_title( "ChopChop" );
-       char* domain            = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/domain");
-       char* secret            = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/secret");
-       char* sport                     = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/port");
-       char* s2sport           = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/s2sport");
-       char* listenaddr        = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/listen_address");
-       char* llevel            = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/loglevel");
-       char* lfile                     = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/logfile");
-       char* facility          = osrfConfigGetValue(cfg, "/syslog");
-       if(!domain)
-               fputs( "No domain specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!secret)
-               fputs( "No secret specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!sport)
-               fputs( "No port specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!listenaddr)
-               fputs( "No listen_address specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!llevel)
-               fputs( "No loglevel specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!lfile)
-               fputs( "No logfile specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!s2sport)
-               fputs( "No s2sport specified in configuration file\n", stderr );
-       if(!(domain && secret && sport && listenaddr && llevel && lfile && s2sport)) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "Configuration error for ChopChop - missing key ingredient\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       int port = atoi(sport);
-       int s2port = atoi(s2sport);
-       int level = atoi(llevel);
-       if(!strcmp(lfile, "syslog")) {
-               osrfLogInit( OSRF_LOG_TYPE_SYSLOG, "chopchop", level );
-               osrfLogSetSyslogFacility(osrfLogFacilityToInt(facility));
-       } else {
-               osrfLogInit( OSRF_LOG_TYPE_FILE, "chopchop", level );
-               osrfLogSetFile( lfile );
-       }
-       fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to launch ChopChop with:\n"
-                       "domain: %s\nport: %s\nlisten address: %s\nlog level: %s\nlog file: %s\n",
-                       domain, sport, listenaddr, llevel, lfile );
-       osrfChatServer* server = osrfNewChatServer(domain, secret, s2port);
-       if( osrfChatServerConnect( server, port, s2port, listenaddr ) != 0 ) {
-               osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "ChopChop unable to bind to port %d on %s", port, listenaddr);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       daemonize();
-       osrfChatServerWait( server );
-       osrfChatServerFree( server );
-       osrfConfigFree(cfg);
-       return 0;